Manufactured Landscapes, first in a provocative film series exploring themes related to cities, health and environments, will be shown from 2:30-4:30 pm on Nov. 9 in the Allen Auditorium. Sponsored by the UW Department of Geography, the series draws upon the department’s undergraduate curriculum and some of the research and community engagement projects pursued by UW geographers. All films are free and open to the public.
News and Updates
Iconic photographs explored
“Images in Crisis,” a series of four UW faculty lectures exploring the afterlife of world-famous photos will begin tonight at 7 pm in Gowen Hall, room 201, and continue for the next three nights. Lectures are free and open to the public.
CUCAC Meeting Agenda, November 2011
The University of Washington Community Advisory Committee (CUCAC) will hold its 113th meeting on Tuesday, November 8, 2011, 7-9, UW Tower.
Items on the agenda will include presentations on IMA Sports Field Lighting and the Terry Lander Student Housing project.
Don’t miss “W Day”!
Friday, November 4, 2011 is “W Day”, celebrating the opening of the Territorial University of Washington on November 4, 1861, on a site bounded by what is now 4th and 6th Avenue on the west and east, and Union and Seneca Street on the north and south, but what was then a quiet wooded knoll far away from the rough and tumble gold rush town of Seattle. Join the festivities on Red Square beginning at 10 am.
Living Voters Guide can help with Nov. 8 ballot
Computer science and political science have joined forces to create a citizen-written Living Voters’ Guide that helps ordinary voters form and share their opinions on the current ballot initiatives.