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News and Updates

CUCAC Meeting Agenda, November 2010

The next meeting of CUCAC (City University Community Advisory Committee) has been scheduled for November 9 at 7 pm, UW Tower. Agenda items will be

Student Housing Project, Phase II
Bryant Building site as SR 520 (6) mitigation
General Updates (University and City)

Rainy Day Freebies

Looking for something interesting to pass a rainy day?

Check out “Dream Design Build” in the Allen Library South Basement, a selection of drawings and watercolor renderings by students of the UW Department of Architecture from 1914-1947,  demonstrating the transition in teaching from the Beaux-Arts model to Modernism. Many of the students went on to have influential careers, regionally and nationally. On view now through March 12, 2011.

ALSO, from Nov. 10 – Dec. 4, don’t miss “Exhibit-All or Nothing!”, a juried exhibit highlighting the best work coming from the diverse students in the School of Art, on display in the Jacob Lawrence Gallery. Students were told to submit exactly three artworks, and either all or none of their work was chosen. The Jacob Lawrence Gallery, located in the north corner of the Art building on the first floor, is always free to the public. Hours are 12-4, Wednesday – Saturday (closed Nov 25, 26, 27). For more information, please see

UW softball legend honored at City Hall

UW women’s softball legend Danielle Lawrie holds an official Proclamation from the Seattle City Council and Mayor honoring her contributions to the UW and the region and the example she has set for young women as student-athletes. Seattle City Council members Tim Burgess and Sally Clark were among those offering congratulations after a special ceremony in City Hall organized by UW Regional Relations.

North of 45th Meeting Schedule – 2010/2011

North of 45th Meetings will be held on the following days 4:00-5:30pm:

October 20
November 17
January 26
February 23
April 20
May 18

Since the HUB is under construction, we will meet at University Presbyterian Church in the Calvin Room  (4540 15th Ave NE). A big thanks to Mark Gwaltney & UPC for reserving this meeting space.