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World’s largest university-based global health conference

More than 600 university, government and philanthropic leaders are gathering at the UW Sept. 19-21 to discuss the critical role of universities in global health. Several of the scheduled speakers play key roles in the President’s Global Health Initiative. WEBCAST: Several sessions will be broadcast live online. Visitors can access it live at and can participate via a CUGH blog and Twitter.

New UW innovation will assist the hearing impaired

This summer, UW researchers are field testing a new tool that can send American Sign Language over video phones. Unlike conventional video chat programs now in use, the new system will use an estimated 10 times less bandwidth. This may avoid the need for expensive plans and devices and may also allow the system to work in areas that don’t have ultrafast mobile broadband service.

To learn about some of the other innovations born and cultured at the UW, see