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City-University Agreement

In 1998, the City and University entered into an agreement to govern campus master planning and off-campus leasing. This agreement marked an important step in maintaining good relations with our neighbors and city government.

In 2003, this agreement was amended (Ordinance 121193) to allow more off-campus leasing and change reporting requirements. This amendment acknowledges the important role the University can play in revitalizing the University District.

Following a ruling by the Growth Management Hearings Board, the City Council passed a new ordinance (Ordinance 121688), on November 29, 2004, amending the 1998 agreement.

Campus Parkway Planting

University & community members restore Campus Parkway landscaping

University gardeners worked with the community to complete landscape restoration for Campus Parkway with new seasonal plantings. Plantings included colorful foliage plants such as shrubs & perennials and seasonal color from perennials & annuals.

The University worked with the community to complete landscape restoration for Campus Parkway with new seasonal plantings. Plantings included colorful foliage plants such as shrubs & perennials and seasonal color from perennials & annuals. The University of Washington took the lead on providing labor to design, install and maintain this project. In addition, the U-District Youth and Community Project (UYACP) provided ten homeless youth to assist with the planting under the supervision of the UW crews. The University provided $7300 in goods and services for this project. The remaining $3800 was paid for out of a City of Seattle Neighborhood Matching Fund grant.

Give Voice – Student Public Art Project on Campus Parkway

The smoothly rusted steel structures in the strip of land between Schmitz Hall and the Visitors Information Center comprise a public art project called “Give Voice,” entirely conceived, built and installed by undergraduate and graduate UW students. Students gathered from various artistic disciplines for a spring quarter class called Design-Build Studio, otherwise known as Art 332. The project sprang from the multi-million-dollar improvements to University Way last year. The budget included $25,000 for sidewalks along the site of the art project. For this relatively small amount, the student artists installed the entire public art project, plus sidewalks.