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CUCAC summer meetings cancelled due to COVID

An aerial view of campus

The City of Seattle has announced that due to COVID-19, all citizens advisory committee (CAC) and standing advisory committee (SAC) meetings will be held only as necessary over the next several months.

This means that the City-University Community Advisory Committee monthly meetings have been cancelled for July and August 2020. The City of Seattle will determine whether regular meetings will resume in the fall and winter.

2020 Annual Report on the University of Washington Master Plan, Seattle Campus

This is the first annual report on physical development under the University of Washington’s Seattle Campus Master Plan as approved by the Seattle City Council in February 2019. The report is structured to respond to reporting requirements found in the City University Agreement (Ordinance 121193); the ordinance approving the Campus Master Plan (Ordinance 125733); and the Conditions of Approval attached to that ordinance. This report covers January through December 2019.

2020 Annual Report

In this reporting period, two sites have been selected by the University of Washington for development: S40 (Health Sciences Education Building) and C4 (Founders Hall). However, no projects have been completed during this time. The University measured a 18.2% single occupancy vehicle rate, which is a decline of 0.7% since 2018. In July 2019, the University began offering a fully subsidized U-Pass to 14,000 Classified Staff and Academic Student Employees. As this the beginning of a new Master Plan, most Conditions of Approval have not been completed yet.