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Dream Project Visit


On April 19, President Cauce visited Evergreen High School in the Highline School District to visit with University of Washington students who are mentors in the UW Dream Project. The UW Dream Project is a service learning course and post-secondary planning/college access program housed out of two UW departments: Undergraduate Academic Affairs and the College of Education. Through this program, mentors work in classrooms serving students in high schools with higher than average free and reduced lunch populations. Mentors use what they have learned during their EDUC 260 and/or EDUC 360 classes and personal experience to assist students through the college application process. Evergreen also hosts UW College and Career Readiness Assistant (CCRA) Interns. These are UW undergraduates who work with students in middle and high schools for 12 hours a week to support any school and/or district identified college and career readiness needs.

Learn more about the UW Dream Project here and visit the UW Dream Project website. President Cauce’s visit also appears on the Highline Public Schools website here.


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CUCAC Agenda, April 2018

Provided here is notification that the City of Seattle/University of Washington Community Advisory Committee (CUCAC) will hold its next meeting.

Date:        Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Time:        6:30 – 8:30 PM

Location:  UW Tower
4333 Brooklyn Avenue, 22nd Floor
Seattle, WA 98105

Please view the April agenda here. The UW Monthly Major Projects Report February 2018, an accompanying agenda item, is available here.

City of Bellevue selected for University of Washington’s Livable City Year program

“The University of Washington Livable City Year program has selected the City of Bellevue to be the community partner for the 2018-2019 academic year. Staff and representatives from the University of Washington will present information about the city’s participation in the program during tonight’s City Council Study Session.

The year-long partnership connects city staff with students and faculty who will collaborate on projects to advance the Bellevue City Council Vision Priorities, specifically around livability and sustainability.”

Read more here.


CUCAC Agenda, March 2018

Provided here is notification that the City of Seattle/University of Washington Community Advisory Committee (CUCAC) will hold its next meeting.

Date:        Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Time:        6:30 – 8:30 PM

Location:  UW Tower
4333 Brooklyn Avenue, 22nd Floor
Seattle, WA 98105

Please view the March agenda here.