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Husky Neighborhood Interns and Volunteers in Action

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Husky Neighborhood Interns have been busy this winter organizing events to serve the community and foster interactions between students and local residents. A cleanup held on January 15 as part of the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service focused on tidying up streets north of 45th and involved 47 volunteers! Thanks to everyone who volunteered!

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On February 3, the Husky Neighborhood Interns hosted a food drive, collecting donations bound for the University District Food Bank. The drive yielded over 34 bags of food and several boxes of baby supplies.

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See additional photos and read more about both events on their FB page.

CUCAC Meeting Agenda, February 2018

Provided here is notification that the City of Seattle/University of Washington Community Advisory Committee (CUCAC) will hold its next meeting.

Date:          Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Time:          6:30 – 8:30 PM

Location:    UW Tower

4333 Brooklyn Avenue, 22nd Floor

Seattle, WA 98105


Please see the agenda here. This link will take you to a presentation about this July’s 2018 Special Olympics USA Games in Seattle.