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Update on Temporary Bryants Building Homeless Shelter

In April 2017, we shared information about the City of Seattle’s plan to locate a temporary homeless shelter in the Bryants Building adjacent to the University of Washington’s West Campus. The Bryants Building was formerly the University of Washington Police Department station and was transferred from the UW to the City to be turned into a park. That design work is under way and can be found here.

As a result of shelter space loss in other parts of the city, Seattle’s Human Services Department was forced to find alternate space for displaced homeless men needing shelter. Since work on the new park won’t start until fall, Bryants was available for this summer. Intended as temporary emergency shelter for individuals being served by Operation Nightwatch, the Bryants Building shelter became operational on May 10, providing a safe place for single, adult men to stay the night with capacity for just over 70 individuals.

The City is delivering on its commitment to relocate the shelter by the end of August to allow work to begin on the new Portage Bay Park. From the City of Seattle’s recent notice to neighbors:


“August 31, 2017 will mark the last full night of services being provided from this location. Services will be gradually scaled down over the Labor Day weekend, as individuals currently receiving shelter at the Bryant Building begin transitioning to other shelter locations including the new City-funded 24-hour enhanced shelter, Compass at First Presbyterian. The site will permanently close the morning of September 5, 2017.”


For information about some of the ways UW students, staff and faculty are responding to this region’s homelessness crisis, see the Addressing Homelessness webpage.

CUCAC Meeting Agenda, August 22, 2017

Provided here is notification that the City of Seattle/University of Washington Community Advisory Committee (CUCAC) will hold its next meeting. Please note the change in time.

 Date: Tuesday, August 22, 2017
Time: 6:00–9:00 p.m.
Location: UW Tower
4333 Brooklyn Avenue, 22nd Floor
Seattle, WA 98105

The agenda can be located here.

CUCAC Meeting Agenda, August 8, 2017

Provided here is notification that the City of Seattle/University of Washington Community Advisory Committee (CUCAC) will hold its next meeting. Please note the change in time.


Date: Tuesday, August 8, 2017
Time: 6:00–9:00 p.m.
Location: UW Tower
4333 Brooklyn Avenue, 22nd Floor
Seattle, WA 98105



6:00 PM Welcome and Introductions Chairperson

6:05 Housekeeping Chairperson
• Adoption of July 27 Minutes

6:15 Public Comment Public

6:25 Final CMP/EIS: Group Discussion Kjristine Lund

8:45 New Business Chairperson

9:00 PM Adjournment Chairperson


Times indicated are approximate and will be adjusted during the meeting as needed. Not all agenda items were known at the time the notice and agenda was mailed. Items may be added or removed, and their order on the agenda changed, prior to, and at the start of the meeting. All meetings are open to the public.


Download the agenda here.