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UW 2018 Campus Master Plan & EIS released

The University of Washington’s Seattle Campus Master Plan (and companion environmental impact statement) was released July 5 after months of community-involved planning, comment and revision. The 2018 CMP sets a blueprint for campus growth over the next decade or more to accommodate increases in student enrollment, changes in how classrooms and labs work best for learning and teaching, and efforts to add new open spaces to one of the nation’s most beautiful college campuses.

The release of the plan prompts further review by the City-University Community Advisory Committee and City of Seattle over this summer. Reports from CUCAC and City staff then inform review and decisions by the Seattle Hearing Examiner, the Seattle City Council and the UW Board of Regents. The Hearing Examiner and Council will set schedules for their respective reviews and action. The Hearing Examiner’s review and public hearing could happen in late 2017. The Regional & Community Relations web page will be updated as review process information and dates become available.

CMP and EIS chapters can be found here.

CUCAC Meeting Tuesday, July 11


Date: Tuesday, July 11, 2017
Time: 6 p.m.– 9 p.m.
Location: UW Tower
4333 Brooklyn Avenue, 22nd Floor
Seattle, WA 98105


6 PM Welcome and Introductions Chairperson

6:05 Housekeeping Chairperson
• Adoption of May 9 Minutes
• Adoption of June 27 Minutes
6:15 Public Comment Public

6:25 Final CMP/EIS: Review Kjristine Lund

7 Final CMP/EIS:Working Groups Committee

8:15 Final CMP/EIS: Group Discussion Kjristine Lund

8:45 New Business Chairperson

9 PM Adjournment Chairperson


Download agenda here.

CUCAC Meeting June 2017

The City-University Community Advisory Committee will hold a specially scheduled meeting Tues., June 27, 6:30 p.m., in the UW Tower Board Room, 22nd Fl.  CUCAC will receive an update on the pending UW Campus Master Plan; a report on 2016 UW and City activity under the 2003 CMP; and an update on work to revise the transportation management plan for Husky Stadium.

CUCAC meetings are open to the public. The meetings start with a period of public comment. Questions? Please contact Maureen Sheehan of the City’s Department of Neighborhoods at

June 2017 CUCAC Agenda

CUCAC Summer Schedule

City-University Community Advisory Committee members have a busy summer ahead of them. With the University’s slated release of the final proposed Campus Master Plan on July 5, three special meetings have been added to the usual second Tuesdays monthly schedule in order for CUCAC to accomplish its mandated review and comment on the proposal within the required 56 days (from the date of receiving the plan).


The CUCAC summer schedule:

Tuesday, June 27

Tuesday, July 11

Tuesday, July 25

Tuesday, August 8

Tuesday, August 22


All meetings are at 6 p.m. in the Board Room, 22nd Fl., of the UW Tower. Check back here for agendas and a link to the final proposed CMP and environmental impact statement.


2017 Annual Report on University of Washington Master Plan, Seattle Campus

Linked below is the University of Washington’s Seattle Campus Master Plan Annual Report covering the period from January 1 through December 31, 2016. This report is required by the City University Agreement (Ordinance 121193) and is sent to the City Council, CUCAC and SDCI for review.

2017 Annual Report on University of Washington Master Plan, Seattle Campus

During the reporting period, the University slightly increased the amount of leased space in the University District Northwest Urban Center Village (UDNUCV) by 280 square feet, bringing the total leased space in this area to 309,218 square feet. The total number of UW employees in this area declined slightly to 3,852 people with 1,304 of these working in leased space. Total leased space in the City of Seattle was 1,447,719 square feet.

The University continued to participate in the University District Partnership by contributing staff time and money to help maintain the organization. The University also worked with neighbors and students to improve the North of 45th area. This work included UWPD patrols, safety walks, newsletters, food/sock drives and neighborhood cleanups. In late 2016, the University also hosted Tent City 3 on campus for the first time.