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July CUCAC Meeting Canceled

The City University Community Advisory Committee meeting for this evening, July 12th from 6:30PM-8:00PM, is canceled.

Please do not hesitate to reach out to Nelson Pesigan or Mason Cone with any questions or concerns regarding this cancellation, and our sincere apologies for this last-minute cancellation.

Thank you,

Major Institutions and Schools Program Staff

If you have any questions, please contact Mason Cone at


CUCAC agenda, July 2022

City of Seattle/University of Washington Citizen Advisory Committee (CUCAC)
Meeting #199

Provided here is notification that the CUCAC will hold its next meeting on July 12.

Date: Tuesday, July 12, 2022
Time: 6:30 – 8:00 PM (Pacific Time)


Meeting link:

Webinar number: 2488 213 0703

Join by phone
+1-206-207-1700 United States Toll (Seattle)
+1-408-418-9388 United States Toll

Access code: 248 821 30703


Seattle City Hall
600 4th Avenue
4th Floor, Tahoma Conference Room
Seattle, WA 98104

**If you plan to attend in person, please let us know so we can inform building security.**


Meeting material links:
Agenda and Notice
West Campus Green Design and Implementation Plan
Continuous Waterfront Trail Concept Plan
2022 Annual Report on the University of Washington Master Plan, Seattle Campus
“Joining A WebEx Event for External Users”
“Joining A WebEx for Mobile App”

CUCAC Agenda, June 2022

City of Seattle/University of Washington Citizen Advisory Committee (CUCAC)
Meeting #198

Provided here is notification that the CUCAC will hold its next meeting on June 14.

Date: Tuesday, June 14, 2022
Time: 6:30 – 8:00 PM (Pacific Time)

Meeting Link:

 Join by phone
+1-206-207-1700 United States Toll (Seattle)
+1-408-418-9388 United States Toll

Access code: 249 051 95897

Seattle City Hall
600 4th Avenue
3rd Floor, Conf Rm. 370
Seattle, WA 98104


Meeting material links:
Agenda and Notice
UW Interdisciplinary Engineering Building Presentation
“Joining A WebEx Event for External Users”
“Joining A WebEx for Mobile App”

Meeting notes found here.

2022 Annual Report on the University of Washington Master Plan, Seattle Campus

Linked below is the third annual report on physical development under the University of Washington’s Seattle Campus Master Plan as approved by the Seattle City Council in February 2019. The report is structured to respond to reporting requirements found in the City University Agreement (Ordinance 121193), the ordinance approving the Campus Master Plan (Ordinance 125733), and the Conditions of Approval attached to that ordinance. This report covers January through December 2021

2022 Annual Report

In this reporting period, the University began to emerge from pandemic restrictions and resumed mostly in-person classes in the fall. Although operations are slowly returning to normal, not all people have returned to campus on a regular basis and Covid variants continue to affect the return. The University appreciates the ongoing partnership of City of Seattle staff and the sacrifices made throughout the greater community.

With regard to the requirements of the annual report, two sites have been under construction by the University of Washington: S40 (Health Sciences Education Building) and C3 (Founders Hall). Two sites have been under design: W27 (multi-user building including Center for Advanced Materials and Clean Energy Technologies) and C11 (Interdisciplinary Engineering Building). One additional site has been selected for development: E59 (Basketball Training and Health and High Performance Center). One project (ICA Softball Performance Center) has been completed during this period. The University measured a 16.4% single occupancy vehicle rate, which is a decline of 2.3% since 2018. As this is the beginning of a new Master Plan, many Conditions of Approval have not been completed yet.

Continued Improvements to Safety and Community Vitality in the U District

Through investments in the U District Partnership (UDP), the University is helping improve the safety and cleanliness of the University District. Recent examples of the UDP’s work include:

  • Ambassador Program: The UDP contracts with a private security firm to provide a mixture of security presence, visitor assistance and social service referrals along the Ave. Ambassadors patrol the Ave and area around Light Rail seven days per week. They also work closely with UDP’s REACH social worker to coordinate help for unhoused people in the area.
  • Neighbors with Multiple Needs: In partnership with the Mayor’s Office, City Attorney, Public Defender’s Association, REACH, LEAD and others, the UDP is creating “care plans” for unhoused neighbors to connect them with services needed to stabilize their lives. These could include help with daily medications, housing or other social services depending on their needs.
  • Cherry Blossom Festival: The UDP organized 34 businesses to offer cherry-related food and drink specials to celebrate the blossoms. The UW supported this with web links and signage directing people to businesses on the Ave. More than 20,000 people visited the festival website, and 800 people scanned the QR Code on signs in the Quad. Several local businesses reported dramatic sales increases – one reporting a 700% increase in one day. Other businesses sold out of food or had lines of people before they even opened.
  • Tree Lighting: The UDP added year-round tree lighting along the Ave and 43rd to create a safer and more welcoming environment at night. The new lights have changed the atmosphere of the area and contribute to a sense of revitalization. The UDP is planning to expand the lights to 45th and up the Ave.
  • Broken Windows Fund: A broken window can be very expensive to replace and merchants in the U District have struggled to fix them. The UDP recently created a fund to grant up to $1,000 for window replacement and façade repair. They are also connecting businesses with contractors who can do the work quickly and reliably.
  • Street Fair 2022: After a two-year pause for the pandemic, this popular festival along the Ave returns on May 21-22. The UDP will place special emphasis this year on creating opportunities for restaurants and merchants from the Ave to have a presence at the fair.