As part of Computer Science Education Week, December 9 – 15, UW Computer Science & Engineering invites local schools to organize an Hour of Code, part of a national effort to have every student in America spend one hour learning to program. For information about scheduling a classroom visit or participating in other programs designed to introduce K-12 students to computer science, please email
News and Updates
The holiday season has arrived!
The holiday season kicks off at UW Seattle with a variety of arts events, including the UW Gospel Choir on December 2 and the School of Music’s annual CarolFest on December 4. Click title for more details.
An evening of Irish fiddle music
Visiting artist Kevin Burke, currently in residence at the School of Music, will present a concert with his students featuring Irish fiddle music on Tuesday, Dec. 3, in the Music Building. Admission is $5 at the door. No reservations required.
Seattle’s new city council districts drawn by retired UW prof
The man responsible for Seattle’s new districts is Richard Morrill, a retired UW geography professor who previously oversaw the court-ordered redistricting of Washington state in 1972, and advised the state of Mississippi on its own redistricting efforts for racial fairness from 1977 to 1983.
Film screening launches “White Rose” exhibit about student resistance in Nazi Germany
Formed in 1942 by University of Munich students, The White Rose was a small, non-violent Nazi resistance group calling for active opposition to Adolf Hitler’s regime. An exhibit chronicling The White Rose resistance group in Nazi Germany is on display until January 27 in Odegaard Undergraduate Library, 2nd floor, and a film about the movement, Sophie Scholl: The Final Days will screen Wednesday, November 20, 6:30pm in Room 220.