City of Seattle – University of Washington Community Advisory Committee
The University of Washington Community Advisory Committee (CUCAC) will hold its 107th meeting:
Date: Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Time: 7:00- 9:00 PM
Place: UW Tower
4333 Brooklyn Avenue
Seattle, WA 98105
22nd Floor
Draft Agenda
Item | Time | Topic | Main Presenter |
1. | 7:00 PM | Welcome, Introductions | Committee Chairperson |
2. | 7:05 | Housekeeping
Committee |
3. | 7:15 | Review and approval of CUCAC 2008 and 2009 Annual Report | Steve Sheppard
Committee |
4. | 7:45 | UPass Update | UW Staff |
5. | 8:10 | SR 520 Montlake Triangle Update and discussion | UW Staff |
7. | 8:45 | General Updates (Optional)
Theresa Doherty
Steve Sheppard |
8. | 8:55 | New Business (Time Permitting) | Members |
9. | 9:00 PM | Adjournment | Committee Chairperson |
Times indicated for items on the draft agenda are approximate only and will be adjusted during the meeting as needed. Not all agenda items were known at the time the notice and agenda were mailed, and items may be added or deleted, and their order on the agenda changed, prior to, and at the start of, the meeting. All meetings are open to the public.