Department of Comparative Medicine

Access Invoices for HIC Services:

To access invoices from January 12, 2020, and earlier, as well as current invoices for HIC services where invoice numbers include an alpha character after “CM”, please use your UWNETID to log in here: Department of Comparative Medicine Invoices.

Important Notice Regarding Invoice Distribution:

Department of Comparative Medicine does not provide invoices directly. All invoices can be accessed through AOps by PIs and lab staff associated with the respective animal use protocol. It is the responsibility of PIs and lab staff to review and distribute these documents to their departments as needed.

Invoices are issued monthly, and they are available for review at the beginning of the next calendar month. It is crucial for PIs and lab staff to review invoices promptly each month and report any discrepancies to the billing unit at within 45 days of month-end close.

Compliance with UW Guidelines:

AOps is compliant with UW budget reconciliation guidelines and maintains records of all invoices as required by the UW records retention schedule. This system allows for the electronic access and reproduction of invoices, eliminating the need for physical copies or external electronic copies for reconciliation purposes.

Responsibilities of Departments and Units:

Departments must liaise with their PIs and lab staff to confirm that all charges have been properly reviewed and are accurate. This step is crucial before completing budget reconciliations.

While the Department of Comparative Medicine facilitates access to invoices through AOps, it is the responsibility of the PIs and lab staff to distribute the necessary invoice copies to their department’s administrative staff as needed. The Department of Comparative Medicine does not directly supply invoice copies; requests for such documents will be directed to refer to this webpage for guidance.

Support and Assistance:

For further questions or assistance with navigating AOps or handling invoice-related issues, please contact us at