June 29, 2021
Masking, distancing requirements remain in effect
Update – 7/7/21: The requirements in this post are no longer in effect following the July 7, 2021 announcement of new UW policies on face coverings, distancing and other health measures.
Update – 7/1/21: The University has received final, updated workplace safety regulations from the Department of Labor & Industries and a new Governor’s proclamation providing updated higher education safety guidelines. The UW is working to quickly adjust its own policies to match these new regulations. In the meantime, the University’s current masking, distancing, capacity and other requirements for Healthy Washington Phase 3 are still in effect.
Original post:
While the state’s Healthy Washington plan ended June 30, the University has not yet received the final, updated workplace safety regulations from the Department of Labor & Industries. Additionally, a new Governor’s proclamation replacing the October 2020 higher education safety guidelines proclamation has not yet been issued.
As a result, the University’s current masking, distancing, capacity and other requirements for Healthy Washington Phase 3 remain in effect. Masks continue to be required in all UW facilities, regardless of your vaccination status. Details can be found on the COVID-19 recovery status page.
Once the UW receives final details from the state, University policies will be updated on uw.edu/coronavirus and those will be communicated with the University community.