February 1, 2021
Bothell, Seattle and Tacoma campuses now in Phase 2 of recovery plan
On Monday, Feb. 1, the state government moved the Puget Sound Region (King, Pierce and Snohomish counties) to Phase 2 of the Healthy Washington – Roadmap to Recovery.
The University of Washington’s COVID-19 recovery status page has been updated to reflect what activities are allowed on the Bothell, Seattle and Tacoma campuses in Phase 2 and in accordance with the state’s Campus Reopening Guide.
Phase 2 guidelines in effect on all three campuses include:
Onsite work and related activities: Telework is strongly encouraged through June 30, 2021. All on-site work must adhere to all appropriate safety measures and the unit’s COVID-19 Prevention Plan. Follow the Return to On-site Work Decision Tree to determine what work activities are permitted to occur on-site.
High-risk populations: Accommodations are required for employees at high-risk for serious illness who request them.
In-person, non-instructional university-sponsored events: Must follow COVID-19 prevention guidelines for events, including submitting a prevention plan. In general, events must follow specific capacity restrictions below.
- Indoor: Maximum 25% capacity or 200 people, whichever is less. Events over 50 people require University approval via Environmental Health & Safety. Hold events remotely when possible. No non-UW events on UW campuses.
- Outdoor: Groups of 15 attendees, not to exceed 200 people. Events over 50 people require University approval via Environmental Health & Safety. Hold events remotely when possible. No non-UW events on UW campuses.
Travel: Official international travel and non-essential domestic travel are restricted under University guidelines. Non-essential personal travel is strongly discouraged. Check with your unit’s leadership regarding unit-specific restrictions.
- Conducted in accordance with the state’s Campus Reopening Guide and UW guidance.
- Majority of courses offered remotely.
- Clinical instruction with safety protocols may be offered in-person.
- Lab and practicum courses with physical distancing and safety protocols may be offered in-person.
Student life:
- Combination of remote and in-person services with appropriate physical distancing and public health procedures.
- Student residents allowed with appropriate physical distancing and public health procedures (roommates are considered household members).
Intercollegiate athletics: Operates under specific guidance from state and local health authorities.