March 18, 2021
Consider lecture capture to enhance student learning (Message to instructors)
Student leaders have urged us to ask that all faculty consider using lecture capture in their classes, especially those that are lecture based. Given the difficulties that so many of our students are experiencing, we urge you to strongly consider using this technology where appropriate.
March 5, 2021
UW Medicine scheduling vaccine appointments for eligible patients on its waitlist
UW Medicine is now scheduling COVID-19 vaccine appointments for eligible patients on its waitlist. To join the waitlist, please follow the instructions at uw.edu/coronavirus/vaccine.
February 9, 2021
UK coronavirus variant detected at the UW (Message to Seattle students and employees)
This message is being sent to students and employees at the University of Washington’s Seattle campus. Dear UW Community, Genetic sequencing of samples from the Husky Coronavirus Testing program yesterday detected the B.1.1.7 or “UK” variant of the coronavirus in a Seattle campus student’s test from late January. The student is doing well and out…
January 19, 2021
Spring quarter plans and returning to campus this fall (Message to Seattle employees)
In advance of the spring quarter time schedule being posted this Friday, we are writing to share the plans for the Seattle campus this spring, as well as our intent to return to in-person instruction this fall.
December 10, 2020
COVID-19 safety during the holidays
As autumn quarter comes to a close, the Environmental Health & Safety Department (EH&S) has published a guide for having a happy and healthy holiday season while taking the necessary precautions to minimize the spread of COVID-19.
November 30, 2020
How instructors can support students’ well-being, and academic and career success (Message to Seattle campus instructors)
As the end of the quarter approaches, you may notice that some of your students are struggling emotionally or academically. The pandemic has brought on cognitive, social and economic burdens that so many of our students are carrying. You can help them by referring them to appropriate on-campus resources.
November 19, 2020
UW employees now have early access to exposure notification app
The University of Washington is partnering with the Washington State Department of Health to extend early access to the Washington COVID-19 Exposure Notifications app to UW employees. This early access project will help the Washington State Department of Health pilot mobile phone-based exposure notifications prior to making the app available state-wide.
November 17, 2020
New state health restrictions and travel recommendations
Due to the exponential increase in COVID-19 infections in Washington and around the United States, Governor Inslee has implemented new restrictions, including prohibiting most indoor social gatherings. The Governor has also issued a travel advisory encouraging Washingtonians to stay home and avoid non-essential travel to other states and countries.
November 9, 2020
COVID-19 testing and safety guidance ahead of Thanksgiving and winter breaks
As COVID-19 cases surge in and beyond our region, it will be especially important to protect yourself and your loved ones during the upcoming Thanksgiving and winter breaks. Here are resources and guidance if you are planning to travel or gather in the coming weeks.
October 14, 2020
The UW’s plans for winter quarter (Message to faculty and staff)
We are writing to give you an update on plans for winter quarter in advance of the time schedule for winter being posted this Friday.
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