June 18, 2020
University of Washington issues COVID-19 face covering policy
The University of Washington has issued a face covering policy for all university personnel, students, staff, contractors and visitors who are on campus amid the COVID-19 pandemic.
June 5, 2020
Most summer B term courses to be offered remotely
As we continue to put safety and health first, we have decided that summer B term will be taught remotely, with the exception of a handful of courses, most of which are in the health sciences.
June 3, 2020
New S/NS and Former Quarter Drop grading options announced
This message was sent to students across the University of Washington from the Office of the University Registrar. The University recognizes the impact these extraordinary times are having on students. To provide more flexibility, the faculty have approved two new grading options. For spring quarter 2020, S (Satisfactory) grades will count toward degree and graduation…
June 1, 2020
Supporting our students (Message to instructors)
We are deeply appreciative of the compassion and caring that you have shown for all members of our community and we are writing to urge you, in these final weeks of the quarter, as assignments become due and exams are taken, to be especially responsive to the needs that your students.
May 29, 2020
COVID-19 Prevention Plan and Safe Start Checklist provided to unit leaders
Chancellors, deans, vice presidents and other direct reports to President Cauce and Provost Richards have received the COVID-19 Prevention Plan and Safe Start Checklist to use as the basis for developing unit-specific plans. These unit plans will then be submitted to the Executive Office for review and approval.
May 28, 2020
Resiliency planning for autumn quarter
We are writing with an update on instructional planning for autumn quarter and look forward to spending the next few months improving upon what we were able to accomplish for our students this spring.
May 13, 2020
Effects of the pandemic on the UW’s budget are becoming clearer
President Cauce sent a message to staff, faculty and other academic personnel to provide context regarding these initial impacts and describe the recent directives from the state of Washington that will guide budget planning.
May 1, 2020
COVID-19 town hall
The COVID-19 pandemic and resulting economic crisis have upended lives and disrupted operations across the University of Washington. President Ana Mari Cauce hosted a virtual town hall on May 1 with a panel of UW leaders to address questions about how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected our community and what the future holds. Download transcript…
April 24, 2020
As we face challenges ahead, the UW will put people first
The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way we live, study, work and connect with each other. Now, we are coming to grips with the fact that many of these changes and costs will be felt far into the future.
April 14, 2020
Academic accommodations for students
Thank you for your continued efforts to adapt your courses and teach remotely. We recognize that this academic environment is challenging, requiring flexibility and patience from all of us. Below, we address a few recent concerns and resources.
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