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Academic Misconduct

University of Washington students are expected to practice high standards of academic and professional honesty and integrity. It is important to know and understand the expectations of the University and your instructors regarding academic standards. This is especially relevant to the use of technology and online resources available today.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) content generators, such as ChatGPT, present opportunities that can contribute to your learning and academic work. However, using these technologies may also violate the academic standards of the University. Under the Student Conduct Code, cheating includes the unauthorized use of assistance, including technology, in completing assignments or exams. While some instructors may encourage you to utilize technology to enhance your learning experience, other instructors may prefer that you do your own work without seeking outside help. It is your responsibility to read the syllabus for each course you take so that you understand the particular expectations of each of your instructors. If you are unsure of expectations, you are encouraged to ask for clarification before you use specific resources in completing assignments.

Cheating may also include the use of tutoring websites such as Chegg and Course Hero. These resources can be helpful in studying and preparing for exams, but copying material from

these resources violates the University’s academic standards. Posting or submitting course content to these websites may also violate expectations outlined in your course syllabi. It is your responsibility to understand expectations, and again, ask for clarification before you choose to use tutoring resources.

As defined in Student Governance Policy, Chapter 209 Section 7.C, academic misconduct includes:

  • Cheating
  • Falsification
  • Plagiarism
  • Unauthorized collaboration
  • Engaging in prohibited behavior
  • Submitting the same work for separate courses without the permission of the instructor(s)
  • Taking deliberate action to destroy or damage another person’s academic work
  • Recording and/or disseminating instructional content without the permission of the instructor (unless approved as a disability accommodation)

See Section 7.C for more detailed information and definitions of academic misconduct.

It is important to know and understand the expectations of the University and your specific instructors regarding academic standards. If an instructor suspects you of academic misconduct, they will submit a report to CSSC. More information about the student conduct process can be found here.