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Student Conduct Frequently Asked Questions

Accessible Accordion

The University’s Student Conduct Code (Code) details the expectations that students will be held accountable to, as well as the policies and procedures for conduct proceedings should a violation of the Code occur. Students are also responsible for following other policies and expectations that apply to them, such as those of class syllabi.

CSSC’s online reporting tool allows students, staff, and faculty to report incidents of alleged misconduct. Using this tool, you can describe the incident, name any students involved, and have the opportunity to upload supporting documents (homework assignments, screenshots, etc.) to explain the situation.

If you have been named in a potential conduct incident, CSSC will reach out through your UW email (email comes from  There will be a link in the email to access the secure notice. Log in with your student ID number and your UW email to read it. We may follow up with a phone call to your primary phone number if we have not heard back from you.

If you choose not to participate in the conduct process, a decision about the incident will still be made. If you do participate in the process, you will have an opportunity to explain the situation and present your side of what happened.

Students found responsible in the conduct process may receive a sanction. Each matter is evaluated on a case-by-case basis when determining appropriate sanctions. Even if multiple students are found to be responsible for the same incident, factors used to decide individual sanctions include:

  • The seriousness, severity, persistence, or pervasiveness of the prohibited conduct;
  • The nature or violence (if applicable) of the prohibited conduct;
  • The impact on the complainant (reporter) and/or University community;
  • The respondent’s past disciplinary record with the University;
  • Whether the respondent has accepted responsibility for the prohibited conduct;
  • The maintenance of a safe, non-discriminatory, and respectful environment conducive to learning; and/or
  • Any other mitigating, aggravating, or compelling factors that the presiding officer determines to be relevant and admissible.

No. Your participation in the conduct process and/or sanctions received in the process are not marked on academic transcripts.

No. Students’ privacy, including conduct records, is protected under FERPA. If students want information about their conduct process shared, they need to complete a Third Party Authorization form.

Yes. Students represent the University no matter where they are. Both academic and behavioral conduct can be investigated even if an incident occurs off-campus (for example, in Fraternity/Sorority housing, at athletic events, or at home during remote classes).

You are allowed to have a support advisor present (friend, family member, attorney, etc.) during your meeting with your conduct officer. If you have questions before your investigative interview, you can email your conduct officer directly (their contact information is in the notice you receive). Our Respondent Resources page includes more information and FAQs about the support available to you throughout the conduct process.

CSSC provides other services relating to students’ conduct and behavior records. For example, we process background checks for students going on Study Abroad programs and records checks for those preparing to transfer to other colleges or apply for graduate programs.