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Current students

Explore services that support students throughout their Husky Experience.

Academic advising (OMA&D Academic Counseling Services) – Offers one-to-one advising and academic assistance to UW students, particularly those from low-income families and underrepresented backgrounds, as well as students who will be the first in their family to graduate from a four-year college.

Career Center – Provides a variety of tools, resources and information for employment opportunities.

D Center – Fosters a community of d/Disability and d/Deaf pride, and develops and supports social, cultural and educational programming.

Disability resources for Students – Serves approximately 1,700 students with either temporary or permanent physical, health, learning, sensory or psychological disabilities.

Diversity courses – Strengthen students’ understanding of how race, class, gender, disability, nationality, sexuality, religion and age interact to define identities and social relations.

Graduate School/Office of Graduate Student Equity and Excellence (GSEE) – Works with graduate students, faculty and staff to strengthen and maintain campus diversity while enhancing academic opportunities for graduate students of color and encouraging scholarship and research that explores cultural diversity.

Instructional Center – Provides academic and tutoring support to students affiliated with OMA&D programs.

International Students – Resources for international students and scholars who are a part of the UW community.

Holiday Observance Calendar – UW supports and recognizes the holidays, traditional observances and major days of religious significance of the diverse students we serve.

Prayer & Meditation Spaces – These spaces on the campuses of the University of Washington provide a quiet place for any member of the UW campus community to pray, meditate, and/or reflect.

Q Center – Serves students, faculty, staff and alumni of all sexual and gender orientation, identities and expressions. Hosts and supports student groups and events.

Samuel E. Kelly Ethnic Cultural Center/Theatre – Offers resources and opportunities for students including advising, organizational development, personal growth and referrals to other departments and programs.

STEM Resources (OMA&D) – Provides a suite of services ranging from advising to career and graduate school preparation for underrepresented minority, low-income and first-generation students pursuing majors in science, technology, engineering and mathematics.

Student organizations – Offer leadership, professional development and community engagement opportunities.

Undergraduate Research Program – Facilitates research experiences for undergraduates with UW faculty members across the disciplines.

Undocumented student resources – Provides support services for undocumented students throughout the various stages of their Husky Experience.

Women’s Center – Promotes gender equity and social justice through educational programs and services that allow all participants to succeed in life.

wǝɫǝbʔaltxʷ – Intellectual House – Serves as a multi-service learning and gathering space for American Indian and Alaska Native students, faculty and staff, as well as others from various cultures and communities, to come together in a welcoming environment and share knowledge.