Proposals are accepted twice annually and may be submitted by one or more academic or administrative units.
Projects must begin during the quarter grant funds are disbursed and completed within one year.
Recipients will submit a report within 60 days of the project’s conclusion that:
1) lists activities supported,
2) evaluates project outcomes,
3) describes any recommended project improvements, and
4) accounts for project funds. Depending on the nature of the project, funds may be disbursed in phases.
Selection Process
Applications are reviewed by a committee comprised of members of the UW Diversity Council. Proposals are judged on their alignment with the Diversity Blueprint, feasibility, and potential impact on the unit and/or the campus community. Priority is given to projects that are supported with matching funds from the relevant deans, vice presidents, or departments/units.
Selection Criteria
Thus far, strong proposals have included one or more of the following attributes:
- A strong connection to one or more of the UW Diversity Blueprint goals
- Clearly articulated project outcomes and metrics for success
- Project description that includes a clearly articulated openness to all who may wish to participate (e.g., at events or programs created under the project)
- A diversity and inclusion model other units will be able to emulate
- Broad project impact across all three campuses
- Potential for long-term sustainability
Please fill and submit the online application. The online application contains the following questions:
- Please provide a brief description of the current state of diversity and inclusion work in the unit. [Max 1800 characters]
- Please provide a description of the project. [Max 2400 characters]
- Please provide a statement of how the project will work toward the goals of the UW Diversity Blueprint, including how the project will work to increase equity among students, staff, or faculty at the UW. [Max 1800 characters]
- Please describe how you intend to demonstrate the project’s inclusivity to all potential participants after it is launched. [Max 1200 characters]
- Finally, please provide a brief synopsis of your project. If selected, this will be used for promotional purposes. [Max 350 characters]
- Please provide the following documents in PDF format: 1) A letter of support for this project from the appropriate unit lead (e.g., chair for a project in a department, dean/divisional dean/associate dean for a non-‐departmentalized school, college, or campus and an appropriate associate or assistant vice president for an administrative unit), and 2) A detailed budget proposal with a description of matching funds and/or any additional funds supporting this project (no more than one page in length). 3) (Optional) any supporting documents deemed appropriate (e.g., reports, evaluations). Applications submitted without a letter of support or budget will not be considered.