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At the University of Washington, there are a many Listservs availalbe to keep you informed and connected to all parts of the university. Here are some of that you may find useful.

UW Listservs

This list, run by UMAC, sends announcements for upcoming Web Council meetings and other web-related activities on campus.

Learn more about the UW Web list

This list is a medium-traffic one-way distribution for UWIT to let us know about any type of technical outage, issue, etc. on any UW campus.

Learn more about the eOutage list

This is a target list for Drupal developers. The list also contains announcements about upcoming Drupal CoP meetings.

Learn more about the Drupal list

This is a targeted list for WordPress developers. This list also contains announcements about upcoming WordPress CoP meetings.

Learn more about the WordPress list

This is a targeted list for Front End developers. This list also contains announcements about upcoming Front End Dev meet ups.

Learn more about the Front End Technologies list

This is a fairly broad group focused on Accessible Web, and technology, issues. This list also contains announcements about upcoming “AccessibleWeb@U” meet ups.

Learn more about the Accessibleweb list

This list is a low-traffic one-way distribution for UWIT to let us know about changes to the Web publishing landscape at UW.

Learn more about the WebPub Announce list

This is a targeted list for Trumba developers. This list also contains announcements about upcoming Trumba workshops and meet ups.

Learn more about the UW Event Cal Web list

A low traffic list with notifications and service impacts regarding websites running on these servers.

Learn more about the Employee Web Hosting list