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Archive banner

Archived Web Content Guidance

Before you install and use the Archive Banner WordPress plugin, please familiarize yourself with the Archived Web Content Guidance published by The Office of the ADA Coordinator. These guidelines will help you determine when to remediate content, keep content, and delete content. The plugin below will help you mark your content as archived if you intend to keep it but not update it.

Using the Archive Banner WordPress plugin

Install the plugin

If your website is hosted on UMAC’s WordPress platform, known as “CMS,” please send an email to to ask to have the plugin installed. Otherwise, please following these instructions to use the plugin on your site:

  • Download the latest version of the plugin from GitHub:
  • Once downloaded, log into your WordPress website and click on the “Plugins” menu option.
  • From the “Plugins” page, click the “Add New Plugin” button at top of the page.
  • From the “Add Plugins” page, click the “Upload Plugin” button at the top of the page.
  • Use the file upload box to find the Zip file you downloaded from the GitHub repository and click “Install Now”
  • After the plugin installs, click the “Activate Plugin” button.

Review the plugin settings

When you first install the plugin, there are default settings that must be changed. To change those settings, follow these instructions:

  • Click on the “Archive Banner Options” menu in the left sidebar in the WordPress editor.
  • On the page that appears, update the “Default name” and “Default email address” to match the person who should be the contacted for all/most pages.
  • If you do not wish to use the default text, check the box next to the default statement.
  • Save your changes.

Using the plugin

The plugin can be used on any post or page in your site by checking the in the “Add ‘Archived Content’ banner below title” box. There are additional options you can set. Follow these instructions to use those options:

  • For any post or page you wish to use to display the archive banner, edit the post or page and look to the bottom of the right hand sidebar for a widget titled “Add ‘Archived Content’ banner below title.”
  • To active the banner, check the checkbox.
  • If you have additional information, or if you have different contact for the page, enter that information in the respective fields.
  • When finished, click the “Update” button in the “Publish” box to commit the changes.