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Intro Text

Function: Creates a stylized introductory text, typically found at the top of a page or site under the main header.

Step 1: Determine what text you want as intro text


This is an example of normal, paragraph text.

This is an example of intro text.


Step 2: Insert intro text shortcode

The intro text shortcode appears as follows:

[intro] [/intro]


To utilize it, simply put whatever text you want in the intro style in between the two shortcodes. The following is a before and after of what it will look like in your WordPress builder.


Hello, I am intro text that lives on the top of your page.


[intro]Hello, I am intro text that lives on the top of your page.[/intro]


*Remember, this font effect is only meant to be used sparingly. Only use this at the top of a page; do not make your entire page intro text for accessibility and readability reasons.