Career Development Staff Presentation

This section provides a several presentation options followed by one more detailed outline for delivering presentations on including students with disabilities in work-based learning programs to career development staff.


To help career development staff become more aware of:

  • the rights, responsibilities and potential contributions of students with disabilities;
  • how to recruit students with disabilities into their programs;
  • how to ensure equal access into their programs for students with disabilities;
  • how to encourage employers to hire interns with disabilities;
  • strategies for discussing disclosure of disability and determining appropriate accommodations;
  • adaptive technology that provides access to computers; and
  • who the key players are on a typical college campus.


The following presentation examples are designed to accommodate a wide variety of participant needs. You may choose to deliver a presentation in a staff meeting, as a conference session, or as a pre-conference workshop.


A Career Counselor, Cooperative Education Coordinator, or Disabled Student Services Officer can deliver this presentation. Little experience working with students with disabilities is required to give a short presentation; longer presentations require more specialized expertise.


Sample Presentation Outline

The following sample outline can be tailored to your audience, and can vary from a brief 10-minute overview to a full-day workshop.


  • Introduce presenter(s).
  • Introduce participants.
  • Identify accessible restrooms, telephones, and provide other site logistics.
  • Discuss presentation agenda and schedule.
  • Describe and distribute handouts.


  • Provide background and overview.
  • Describe why students with disabilities should participate in work-based learning experiences.

Legal Issues

  • Provide an overview of legal issues.
  • Describe the content of the Americans with Disabilities Act.
  • Discuss issues such as who is covered by the legislation, what is a reasonable accommodation, and what is an undue hardship.

Access Issues

  • Discuss how to recruit students with disabilities.
  • Discuss how to provide access to computers.
    • Computer facility access
    • Adaptive technology
    • Access to electronic resources

Placing Students with Disabilities

  • Explain issues and strategies involved in disclosing disability.
  • Describe accommodation strategies.
  • Identify "key players" on campus and in your community. Provide examples.
  • Share Four-Step Accommodation Model and Abilities Profiles.
  • Describe ways to work effectively with employers when placing students with disabilities.

Equipment and Tools