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Subject: Characteristics of self-determined people
We know that we can lead more successful, satisfying lives if we are self-determined. But what are some of the characteristics of self-determined people? If you have a high level of self-determination, you are likely to:
- know your needs, desires, interests, strengths, and limitations and use this information to make choices
- be self-confident and have healthy self-esteem
- be creative
- have a clear vision of the future
- feel in control of your life
- be a good self advocate
- be a good negotiator
- have good problem solving skills
- identify and choose from several options and anticipate consequences for each
- take responsibility for your decisions
- manage your behavior and take appropriate actions
- make future plans based on outcomes of previous actions
- be persistent
- know where to find help when you need it
Name one of these characteristics that you would like to make stronger for you and tell why.