Hi, I am Mikayla. My favorite class is bioengineering. I attend Washington State University and am majoring in biomedical engineering. I have a learning disability, dyslexia, and attention deficit disorder.
Hi, I am Mikayla. My favorite class is bioengineering. I attend Washington State University and am majoring in biomedical engineering. I have a learning disability, dyslexia, and attention deficit disorder.
Hi, my name is Hannah. I went to Fresno State University for two years. I will be starting my junior year this fall at the University of Washington Bothell majoring in business. I was born legally blind in my right eye.
My name is Peter, and I have autism. I attend the University of Washington (UW). I am majoring in atmospheric sciences with a focus on meteorology. I was part of my high school’s environmental club and math team, and I am now part of Students Expressing Environmental Dedication and the Residential Community Student Association at UW. I wish to pursue a career in weather forecasting. I enjoy watching baseball and, during the summer, playing for a softball team. I love seeing and talking with my friends, and some of my best friends are from DO-IT. I intern at the Northwest Fisheries Science Center, volunteer for the National Weather Service weekly, and am part of the DO-IT ATeam.
Hi, I am Jennifer, and I have spastic cerebral palsy. I plan to attend either Centralia Community College or Lower Columbia College. I would like to work in the field of broadcasting and communications. I enjoy making slide shows of famous people; you can view them on YouTube under the user name “accustomcycle.” I play power wheelchair soccer on the Rolling Thunder. I also like reading, creative writing, and technology.
Hi, I’m Aaliyah. I am deaf and wear a cochlear implant to help me hear. I played softball and was a member of the Monroe High School Bearcats bowling team. I am attending Gallaudet University to get my degree in elementary teaching and deaf education. I love dogs, especially American Eskimo huskies! I competed in the Miss Teen Washington Pageant and made it to the top eleven.
Hi, my name is Lucas, and I have Goldenhar syndrome and a hearing impairment. I attend the University of Washington. My goal is to attend medical school and one day become a pediatric anesthesiologist at Seattle Children’s Hospital. I ski, wakeboard, and participated on my high school’s soccer and golf teams, and I was the captain of my high school’s swim team. I did an internship at the Center for Neurotechnology (CNT) during the summer of 2015.
Hi, my name is Cody, and I have cerebral palsy. I am currently attending Tacoma Community College. I hope to transfer to either University of Washington in either Seattle or Tacoma. I spend most of my free time using my computer and playing games. I also enjoy playing power soccer, which I have been doing since 2006.
I am Lindsay, an autistic student with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder enrolled at Pacific University. I am a creative writing and German major who is also minoring in studio arts, and I obviously enjoy literature and art. I studied abroad in Germany last year.
Hi, my name is Eric. I am currently attending Everett Community College to complete pre-requisites. I am interested in film and psychology. I have an unspecified learning disability, in addition to attention deficit disorder, that causes me to learn at a slower pace than most people, especially in math and English.
Hello, my name is Colton. Currently, I am in my 6th quarter at Green River Community College where I am pursuing an associate’s degree. I am uncertain of which four-year college I might attend once I attain my associate’s degree, as I am just taking it one step at a time.
Hello, I’m Alex. I currently attend Western Oregon University majoring in American Sign Language (ASL) interpretation and minoring in theatre. My favorite classes include ASL and English. I also have a passion for acting. I take acting classes and am a part of many productions. My favorite characters are those with a huge range of emotions. My dream job is to become an ASL interpreter and an actor. I have cerebral palsy.
Hi my name is Jessica, and I have spinal muscular atrophy. I am planning on transferring to the University of Washington in Seattle this fall to get my bachelor’s degree in neurobiology. In high school, I participated in Link Crew, National Honor Society, and Key Club. I was also the founder of my school’s chapter of the National Spanish Honor Society. I organized and ran my high school’s first muscular dystrophy fundraiser. I hope to one day have a career in biomedical research.
Hi there! My name is Dominique. This past year, I continued my education at Art Instruction Schools, and I should be finished by summer of 2016, with a certificate in fundamentals of art. Some of my hobbies include drawing, shopping (art supplies!), playing games, browsing Pinterest, spending time with family, and reading my Bible. I hope to one day be a professional illustrator and/or a storybook artist. I have a rare form of dwarfism called Kniest syndrome, as well as arthritis in all my joints. Check out my portfolio at http://domj2014.wix.com/domseaman.
Hi! My name is Allison, I have thrombocytopenia absent radius syndrome and Von Willebrand disease. I was going to Montana State University and studying drafting design technology, but I decided that it wasn’t for me. So now I am going to the local community college, with the intent to transfer to Portland State and start in the zoology program. I really want to travel and study different animals across the world. I also enjoy drawing from time to time.
Hi, my name is Alicia, and I am Deaf. I will be a junior at the University of Washington. My favorite classes are biocultural anthropology and global health. I plan on majoring in either public health or anthropology, maybe both. I am also minoring in archaeology and global health. I volunteer at Seattle Children’s Hospital doing office work and running errands. I am also a student assistant in the DO-IT office.
Hi, my name is Nolan. I enjoy history, science, and math. I attend McDaniel College in Maryland and would like to become a politician involved in creating laws. I enjoy following politics and hanging out with friends. I have arthrogryposis.
Hi, I’m Grace! I’m deaf and currently studying mechanical engineering at Rochester Institute of Technology in New York. After graduation, I hope to work for Boeing and do design work! I love being involved in and giving back to the community through various organizations on campus.