Courage Campers Speak

From: Lisa Boutain <>
To: Rodney <>
Subject: doitnews
Hi! My name is Lisa Boutian. I am seventeen years old, I will be entering the eleventh grade next year. This was my first experience at computer camp. The staff was fun and helpful but a little crazy. A few days ago, we visited St. Cloud State University to take a tour of the campus. It was an interesting field trip. I have met a lot of great people here, and I hope to return next year. I would like to say thank you to all of the DO-IT people who sent me mail while I was here.
Date: Sat, 15 Jul 1995
From: Brad <>
To: Rodney <>
Subject: doitnews
Hi my name is Brad and I'm fourteen years old and this my first year at Camp Courage. I really enjoy being on the internet because it gives me a chance to talk to people that you don't know and that you do know. I was writing to some of my friends on the Internet and one of my friends that I was talking to from the DO-IT program knew one of my friends from school and she gave me her adress. So we wrote back and forth. That is a little bit that you can do on the net.