DO-IT Student Accepted into a Neural Engineering Scholars Program

Colton, a 2012 DO-IT Scholar, was accepted to the highly competitive Young Scholars Program of the UW Center for Neurotechnology. The ten-week summer program places students into research labs on the UW Seattle campus, and offers a stipend for the students' work. Students also receive trainings in ethics, communication, lab safety, and scientific presentation skills. At the end of the summer, students participate in a research symposium to gain experience preparing and presenting research results to the scientific community.
The Young Scholars program is designed to provide a solid foundation for future scientific study. The DO-IT community is excited for Colton, who follows in the footsteps of fellow DO-IT participants Jessie (2011 Scholar) and Angela (2010 Scholar), who participated in the program during the summer of 2012. We're proud that their academic accomplishments and leadership skills have been recognized by acceptance to the program. More information about the Young Scholars Program is available through the CNT website at
To learn more, check out the DO-IT Knowledge Base article, "What is sensorimotor neural engineering and how does the field benefit people with disabilities," at