Expanded Table of Contents
This page showcases the expanded table of contents for the book Creating Inclusive Learning Opportunities in Higher Education: A Universal Design Toolkit, written by DO-IT Director Sheryl Burgstahler and published by Harvard Education Press. This table of contents is also available in a downloadable format.
Chapter 1: Diversity, Disability, and Civil Rights
- Introduction
- Disability Basics
- Challenges Faced by Students
- Disability Awareness
- Civil Rights
- Limitations of the Accommodation Approach to Access
- My Go-to Resources
- Conclusion
- Take Action!
Chapter 2: A Framework for Inclusive Practices
- Introduction
- Why Universal Design in Higher Education (UDHE)
- The UDHE Framework
- Scope
- Definition
- Principles, Guidelines
- Practices
- Process
- My Go-to Resources
- Conclusion
- Take Action!
Chapter 3: Physical Spaces
- Introduction
- Framework, Scope, Definition, Principles, Guidelines, Practices, Process
- My Go-to Resources
- Conclusion
- Take Action!
Chapter 4: Technology
- Introduction
- Assistive Technology
- Accessible IT
- Framework, Scope, Definition, Principles, Guidelines, Practices, Process
- Civil Rights Regarding Accessible Design
- Advocating for Accessible IT
- My Go-to Resources
- Conclusion
- Take Action!
Chapter 5: Teaching and Learning Activities
- Introduction
- Framework, Scope, Definition, Principles, Guidelines, Practices, Process
- UDHE of a Department or Program
- What Students Have to Say
- My Go-to Resources
- Conclusion
- Take Action!
Chapter 6: Teaching and Learning Services
- Introduction
- Framework, Scope, Definition, Principles, Guidelines, Practices, Process
- My Go-to Resources
- Conclusion
- Take Action!
Chapter 7: Teaching About UD
- Introduction
- Why Teach Accessibility and UD
- Who Teaches Accessibility and UD
- Integrating UD Topics into Courses
- Stakeholder Roles
- My Go-to Resources
- Conclusion
- Take Action!
Chapter 8: A Model for an Inclusive Campus
- Introduction
- A Universally Designed Campus
- Stakeholder Roles
- An Inclusive Campus Model Underpinned by the UDHE Framework
- Case Study: Application of the Inclusive Campus Model to IT
- Promoters and Inhibitors of Change
- My Go-to Resources
- Conclusion
- Take Action!
Chapter 9: What I Know for Sure
About the Author, Sheryl Burgstahler