Learn More about Creating Inclusive Learning Opportunities in Higher Ed

Published by Harvard Education Press, Sheryl Burgstahler’s newest book, Creating Inclusive Learning Opportunities in Higher Education, delivers a step-by-step guide for putting the principles of universal design (UD) into action for all aspects of a postsecondary campus. Sheryl offers top-down, bottom-up, and middle-out strategies for transforming a higher education environment into one where physical spaces, learning materials and activities, technology and digital resources, and campus services are welcoming and accessible to all students, while minimizing the need for accommodations for individuals with disabilities.
Complementing her edited book Universal Design in Higher Education: From Principles to Practice, this volume lays out how faculty, service providers, high level administrators, and other stakeholders can contribute to a barrier-free environment for all students, including those with disabilities. Along with principles, guidelines, practices, and processes that underpin a framework in which to conceptualize and apply UD, Dr. Burgstahler shares the implementation model to tailor to any campus exploring ways to meet broad goals with respect to diversity and inclusivity.
More details about the book can be found at Creating Inclusive Learning Opportunities in Higher Education: A Universal Design Toolkit and the book can be ordered online through Amazon or Harvard Education Press.