Meet the 2015 Scholars!

This summer DO-IT will host its twenty-third annual Summer Study program for DO‑IT Scholars, providing participants the opportunity to experience life on a college campus and explore challenging academic and career fields such as those in science, engineering, and computing. Primary funding for the Scholars program is provided by Washington State. For more information, visit
I am pleased to introduce to you the new Scholars:
Andrew attends Anacortes High School and is deaf. He plays video games, hikes in the mountains, and likes science and nature.
Aspen attends both Edmonds-Woodway and Arlington High School. She is deaf with a cochlear implant. She loves sports and wrestles on her school team.
Brookelyn attends White River High School and has a learning disability and autism. She likes to read, swim, draw, paint, and listen to music. She loves biology and wildlife.
Chana attends Wilson High School in Tacoma. She has cerebral palsy. She likes science and French. She is in Key Club.
Dewald likes history and biology. He attends Bellingham High School and is a varsity wrestler. He has cerebral palsy.
Eli is interested in astronomy, reading, and music, and he likes to play video games. He has Duchenne muscular dystrophy and attends North Thurston High School.
Emily attends Redmond High School. She likes golfing, making art, and making people laugh. She has spastic paraplegia.
Grady has congenital muscular dystrophy. He attends Puyallup High School. He likes computers and other technology. His favorite classes are math and Spanish.
Hailey has ADD and a learning disability. She attends Cheney High School. Her favorite classes are language arts and math. She would like to work with animals.
Jonah attends North Thurston High School. He has Duchenne muscular dystrophy. He is interested in politics, history, video games, and keeping up with the news.
Kaitlyn attends Naches Valley High School. She has cerebral palsy. She enjoys listening to music, drawing, and watching movies. She is an avid writer.
Katelyn has myotonic muscular dystrophy. She attends Bonney Lake High School. She likes hanging out with friends, being on the Internet and listening to loud music. Her favorite classes are English and science.
Laszlo has cerebral palsy and attends Ingraham High School in Seattle. He likes math and science. He would enjoy having his own talk show someday.
London has autism and attends North Central High School in Spokane. He likes video games, fiction, arts, and visual design.
Max attends Camas High School. He has Aspergers Syndrome. He enjoys linguistics, and he likes to play games and take walks. His goal is to create, build, and discover.
Ryan attends Mt. Spokane High School. He likes working out, playing football, singing, fishing, and acting in school plays. He has a learning disability.
Tasha attends Pullman High School where she is a cheerleader and on the wrestling team. She enjoys working out and fitness.