DO-IT Websites Promote Accessible Postsecondary Campuses

Tracy Jirikowic, DO-IT staff

New web resources were the outcome of work by the DO-IT Admin team at its second collaborative meeting February 10-13 in Seattle. DO-IT Admin team members represent twenty-two colleges and universities nationwide. At the meeting, they developed resources and training materials to help postsecondary student services become more accessible to students with disabilities. DO-IT Admin is funded by the U.S. Department of Education (grant #P333A020044).

Team members developed brochures and web-based information to address accessibility in areas such as housing and residential life, tutoring and learning centers, and libraries, as well as admissions, registration, and financial aid offices. They were guided by information gathered from focus groups conducted with student service administrators and students with disabilities from their campuses.

Two new websites were launched. The Student Services Conference Room is designed to help staff make student services accessible to students with disabilities. The Board Room helps high-level administrators make their postsecondary campuses more inclusive. These websites complement The Faculty Room, which was funded by an earlier U.S. Department of Education grant (#P333A990042). These three websites can be found at Postsecondary disabled student services, academic departments, administrative units, and student services organizations are encouraged to link to this page from their websites.