South Korean Administrators DO-IT Too

For the second year in a row, DO-IT hosted visitors from South Korea. This summer, twenty-one education administrators from the Korean Institute for Special Education (KISE) traveled to Seattle. These administrators spent two weeks learning about the special education system in the United States and about the programs and resources offered by DO-IT.
Institute topics included the structure of special education in the K-12 setting; education policies, services and procedures for students with disabilities; the functions of local and state education boards in special education; self-determination and how it can be promoted with students who have disabilities; the principles of universal design and academic accommodations; and how assistive technology can increase computer access for students with disabilities.
The administrators participated in a variety of activities, including lectures by education leaders, group discussions, field trips, and assistive technology demonstrations. Upon returning to their home institutions, these administrators plan to implement strategies presented during the institute and disseminate what they learned to other Korean educators. We look forward to seeing our friends from KISE again next year!