How many schools provide assistive or adaptive technology for students with disabilities?

Date Updated

The following statistics were gathered by the National Center on Education Statistics (NCES), Special Education Regulation, in 2001.

  • Nation-wide, depending on the student’s specific disability, 55% to 64% of schools that serve students with disabilities reported that they provide assistive or adaptive hardware while 39% to 56% provided adaptive software for these students.
  • Special hardware was less likely to be available to students with learning disabilities in schools with the high minority enrollment compared to schools with low minority enrollment, 47% versus 61%, respectively.
  • Availability of special software for students with physical disabilities was more prevalent in large schools (60%) than in small schools (40%).
  • Only 35% of elementary schools were found to provide special software for children with hearing disabilities, while this was observed in 48% of secondary schools.
  • Schools with the highest poverty concentrations were less likely to provide special hardware and software for students with visual disabilities. High poverty schools provided hardware 52% of the time and software 42% of the time, while schools with students from more affluent backgrounds were better able to provide visually impaired students with both hardware (71%) and software (63%).

For more detailed information and tables that depict these data, visit the NCES article, Special Hardware and Software for Students With Disabilities.