2010 Scholars

Brain tumor, blind
Graduated from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University with a degree in mechanical engineering and minors in business, mathematics, and aerospace engineering. Starting a masters program in aeronautics and astronautics at the University of Washington in the fall of 2017.
Specific learning disabilities
Attends Full Sail University’s online program in graphic design and animation.
Sickle cell disease, specific learning disabilities, attention deficit disorder.
Works across the United States and internationally as a field service mechanic for a company that contracts with aircraft manufacturers such as Boeing, Airbus, Bombardier. Work on cars and woodworking projects in his spare time.
Attention deficit disorder, dyslexia
Graduating from the University of Washington with degrees in American Indian studies and anthropology. Wants to become a college professor or a K-12 teacher.
Friedrich’s ataxia
Attends Western Washington University, majoring in creative writing, with a minor in film studies. Wants to pursue fiction writing, film and TV critiquing, or screen writing after college. Hoping to do an internship abroad before graduation.
Arthrogryposis amyloplasia
Hopes to study business and economics at the University of Washington. Enjoys bi-skiing and playing power wheelchair soccer.
Muscular dystrophy
Graduated from Gonzaga University with a bachelor of arts in psychology. Attends graduate school at Gonzaga for a master’s in Clinical Mental Health Counseling. Completed internships at the University of Washington Center for Neurotechnology and the Swedish Neuroscience Institute. Currently the Washington State Ambassador for the Muscular Dystrophy Association.
Arthritis, dyslexia, spondyloarthropathy
Graduated from Flagler College with a bachelor’s degree in business. Completed an internship at an entertainment and events company, working on graphic arts and stage setup. Interned with Matthew’s Design, mainly focusing on architecture work.
Spinal cord injury
Graduated from Washington State University with a bachelor’s degree in hospitality business management and a minor in psychology. Works at The Davenport Grand Hotel in Spokane, Washington.
Crohn’s disease
Graduated with degree in mechanical engineering from the University of Washington. Currently working for King County as a project engineer.
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, learning disabilities, visual impairments
Attends Washington State University. Volunteers with multiple law enforcement agencies, supporting their active shooter, counter terrorism, and SWAT programs.
Duchenne muscular dystrophy
Graduated with a bachelor of arts in English from Seattle Pacific University in June 2016. Hopes to work as a professional writer.
Amyoplasia arthrogryposis, scoliosis
Graduated from the University of Washington with a major in psychology.
Keratosis lichenoides chronica
Studying political science and law, diversity, and justice at Western Washington University (WWU). Plans to pursue law school. Attended a language school in Guatemala and did community work with indigenous populations in rural areas. Is the disability outreach center coordinator for the Associated Students of WWU.
Deaf, multiple chemical sensitivity
Working on completing a bachelor’s of science in social services and two minors at Central Washington University. Planning to become a multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) advocator. Working to build knowledge and community to spread awareness about MCS.
Graduated from the University of Washington with a double major in law, societies, and justice, and political science. Works at Zillow in the Client Engagement Department. Aspires to be in the FBI as a forensic psychologist and work with teams to build profiles for criminals.