
Hearing Impairments

Request and encourage student input on how to best accommodate the student's learning needs.

Provide a sign language interpreter, real-time captioning, and/or an FM system.

Use visual aids to explain concepts to the student.

Give assignments, lab instructions, and demonstration summaries in writing.

Use electronic mail for class and private discussions.

Consider the needs of students with disabilities during lab orientation and lab safety meetings.

Health Impairments

Request and encourage student input on how to best accommodate the student's learning needs.

Provide a mechanism for students to learn material and make up assignments that they missed because of absences.

Provide flexibility in scheduling and attendance.

Talk with the student and family about any impacts of class activities on the student. Let the student know well ahead of time of classroom activities that may present a problem.


Request and encourage student input on how to best accommodate the student's learning needs.

Provide audiotaped, Brailled, or electronic-formatted lecture notes, handouts, and texts.

Give clear verbal descriptions of visual aids including video and printed content used throughout your presentation.

Consider making shapes for flow charts or room layouts from tagboard or foam core for the student to manipulate.

MESA Accessibility Supplement: Designing Environments

In these activities, students design and build scale models of a cabin. Floor plans and site surveys can be represented with raised-line drawings or manipulatives for students with visual impairments. The creation of a cardboard model cabin will present challenges to students with upper body mobility or fine motor impairments. Have students work with partners or in small groups so that each student can contribute according to his or her strengths. For information on suggested accommodations, select an activity below.
