
Lesson 1 Accommodations: Learning Disabilities

A computer with voice output software is an appropriate accommodation for students with learning disabilities. Consult the video presentation and publication Working Together: Computers and People with Learning Disabilities and the AccessSTEM Knowledge Base.

Minimize distractions as much as possible. Keep the classroom door closed, and seat the student with attention deficits away from windows and other distractions.

Warm Up and Sharing Circle

Low Vision

Request and encourage student input on how to best accommodate the student's learning needs.

Consider the position, lighting, and seating needs of the student during presentations or when using text, manipulatives, transparencies or other projected images.

Provide large-print lecture notes, handouts, and worksheets.

Give clear verbal descriptions of visual aids including video and printed content used throughout your presentation.

Investigation 2.1: PowerPoint Lesson

Low Vision

Request and encourage student input on how to best accommodate the student's learning needs.

Consider the position, lighting, and seating needs of the student during presentations or when using text, manipulatives, transparencies or other projected images.

Give clear verbal descriptions of visual aids including video and printed content used throughout your presentation.

Consider having the student work with a partner and providing extra assistance if this activity presents significant challenges.
