1998 Scholars

1998 Scholars - Washington

1998 Scholars - National
Visual impairment
Plans to pursue a career in music.
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, communication disorder
Has worked in retail.
Attention deficit disorder, dyslexia, dysgraphia
Audio engineer for Ford Audio Service, and live sound engineer for Super Geek League’s Sci Fi Punk Circus.
Tourette syndrome, attention deficit disorder, panic disorder
Earned a degree in mechanical engineering from Seattle University. Employed as a design engineer at Centrix Aerospace.
Earned a degree in mechanical engineering from Spokane Falls Community College.
Hopes to attend college for computer or radio broadcasting.
Cerebral palsy
Earned a bachelor’s degree in political science, magna cum laude, from Arizona State University and a law degree from the University of San Francisco. Received a DO-IT Trailblazer award in 2009. Works as a lawyer in San Francisco.
Dyslexia, attention deficit disorder
Earned a bachelor’s degree in informatics with a minor in dance from the University of Washington (UW) and recently finished a master of business administration at UW. Received a DO-IT Trailblazer award in 2005. Manages a fraud prevention data science team at Amazon Web Services. Currently building a new team in Berlin, Germany.
Traumatic brain injury
Earned an associate’s degree in integrated studies from Cascadia Community College and a bachelor’s degree in global studies with a minor in human rights from the University of Washington Bothell. Investigating personal genealogy, as well as helping other fellow genealogists, through online and first-person research, and sharing the findings with the world on Ancestry.com. Last winter, designed a pattern for a hand-stitching petite point sewing project using Excel. Received a DO-IT Trailblazer award in 2012.
Full-time mother and wife.
Mobility impairment
Attended South Puget Sound Community College.
Cerebral palsy
Works as a lead office administrator for the Federal Aviation Administration.
Mobility impairment
Attends Spokane Falls Community College studying cybersecurity. Hopes to become a network security analyst.
Learning disabilities, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
Earned a bachelor of science degree in mathematical sciences and physics, from the University of Alberta. Earned a bachelor of education degree in secondary education. Works for Qi Creative as an education consultant and behavior coach, helping children with special needs, their families, and their communities. Runs own marketing company that specializes in social causes.
Metatrophic dwarfism, dysplasia, epilepsy
Earned a bachelor’s degree from The Evergreen State College. Likes volunteering and doing community service. Enjoys playing the drums, traveling, and watching the performing arts. Studying online to get a certification in financial trading and investments.
Visual impairment
Interested in programming or designing video games.
Attention deficit disorder
Works as a musician.
Cerebral palsy
Graduated from secretarial school and attended business courses at Anoka Technical College. Is going back to school for an associate’s degree in journalism and communications. Is a Christian author and owns a publishing company.
Brain injury
Earned a bachelor’s degree in applied mathematics and a master’s degree in industrial technology from the University of Idaho. Works for The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) at the Goddard Space Flight Center in Maryland.
Cerebral palsy
Earned a bachelor’s degree in mathematics from the University of Washington and a master’s degree in sports management from the University of San Francisco. Works as the information technology director for Glostone Trucking Solutions and as chief operations officer and chief technology officer of Med‑Safe Management.
Earned a bachelor’s degree in business management from University of Phoenix.
Cerebral palsy
Studied social work at the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh and the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater. Received a black labrador service dog named Jersey from Paws With a Cause.
Visual impairment
Congenital stationary night blindness, some motor deficiencies
Earned a bachelor’s degree in political science from Grinnell College and a doctoral degree in public affairs and policy from Portland State University. Works as a fiscal and policy analyst at Oregon’s Higher Education Coordinating Commission, with a focus on university finance, accountability, and policy research.
Earned a degree in physical education from Ball State University. Works as a high school physical education teacher and head volleyball coach. Is also the head coach of the Minnesota One Junior Olympic Volleyball Team. Married.
Cerebral palsy
Earned a bachelor’s degree in sociology and anthropology at Florida International University. Works as a communications consultant in the non-profit sector.
Spinocerebellar degeneration
Attended Pacific University to pursue a degree in education.
Cerebral palsy, learning disability
Earned a bachelor’s degree, magna cum laude, from St. Mary’s College of Maryland and a law degree from the University of Maryland. Works as a lawyer.
Ataxia telangiectasia
Earned a bachelor’s degree in biology and geology from Northeastern University. Died in April 2006.
Attended Santa Fe Community College and the University of New Mexico.
Earned a bachelor’s degree in psychology from the University of Montana.
Cerebral palsy
Earned an associate’s degree in wilderness recreation leadership from North Country Community College in Saranac Lake, New York. Works part-time as an independent living specialist and arch barrier consultant for Tri‑Lakes Center for Independent Living.
Cerebral palsy, autism
Attends a day program and works at the public library snack cart and Salvation Army. Celebrated twelve years with Salvation Army Christmas Angel Tree. Enjoys zumba, Disneyland, and Parks and Recreation activities. Attended the third Tim Tebow Night to Shine event.
Learning disability
Earned a bachelor’s degree in chemical engineering. Teaches high school math.
Visual impairment
Earned a bachelor’s degree in economics from the University of Notre Dame.
Attention deficit disorder
Earned a bachelor’s degree from Fort Valley State University.
Earned a bachelor’s degree in psychology from the University of New Orleans.
Earned a bachelor’s degree in business administration from the University of Nebraska Lincoln. Works for Nebraska’s Office of the Chief Information Officer as an Internet application developer.