Phase I Scholars

Twenty-two Phase I Scholars attended their first DO-IT Summer Study session at the University of Washington in August of 2004. They learned about college life and prepared for college and careers. Throughout the year, they communicate with each other as well as DO-IT participants and DO-IT Mentors. They use the Internet to support their academic studies, and they complete projects in exciting fields that include science, engineering, mathematics, technology, and business.

Hey guys. My name is Andrew and I'm going to be a senior at Skyline High School. I'm energetic and easy to talk to. During the school year I'm busy with Choir and performances that I do with my voice teacher. All year I am in training for the track season where I throw the javelin. This year I was seventh in King County for javelin and alternate to State Solo and Ensemble Competition. This summer I attended the Ironwood Throwers Camp. I have Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and a learning disability in reading and writing. Accommodations, like extra time on tests, have been very helpful. My favorite subjects are math, science, and choir. I hope to major in vocal music or engineering and throw Javelin in college.

My name is Laura. I am 17 and will be a senior at Mercer Island High School this fall. My favorite sports are swimming and tennis. I am active in several youth groups. I enjoy volunteering for a variety of groups and hanging out with my friends; I am a very social person. I was injured in a car accident when I was in 7th grade and as a result of that, I am legally blind in one eye and I suffered a traumatic brain injury. Though I have learned to deal with a lot of the issues surrounding my injuries, I still face challenges both in and out of school. I am looking forward to being a part of the DO-IT program so that I can learn about technology that will assist me with my disabilities and meet new people. My long term goal is to become a teacher.

My name is Lukas. I am a junior at the best high school—Mead Senior High School. The full name of my disability is Amyoplasia Arthrogryposis Multiplex Congenita. My favorite classes currently are math, science, marching band, jazz band, and concert band. Outside of school, I enjoy hanging out with my friends, playing chess, playing on the computer, going to the movies, playing my instrument, and doing family things. I want to study engineering, music/music theory, and international business when I go to college. I am looking to go to the University of Washington or Whitworth. My biggest accomplishment this year was making it into the highest concert band at my school.

Hi, my name is Kathleen. I am going to be a junior at Columbia River High School in Vancouver, Washington. I enjoy math and science classes most. I would like to pursue a career in biology—maybe marine or microbiology—but I am also interested in genetics. I am considering going to college in Golden, Colorado. I participate in the Science Olympiad, play E-flat Alto Saxophone in marching band and take voice lessons. I got a gold cup this year for earning 15 competition points in music festivals. I also marched in the rose parade. I have Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD).

Hello. My name is Carrie. I was born with Cerebral Palsy. I am 17 years old and I attend Snohomish High School, and will be a senior this fall. I enjoy hanging out with friends, being outdoors, going to baseball games, swimming, and talking on the phone. My favorite subject in school is my computer web programming class. In Summer Study I saw what college life is really like, and met people who are going through similar situations to mine. My career goal is to attend community college to study criminal justice then become a Crime Intelligence Analyst.

Hi. My name is Tracy. I attend Lake Quinalt High School, and I will be a senior. I have lived on my own for five months, it is an interesting experience. I plan to go to a four year college and major in physical therapy. One of my hobbies is to play pool. I have a learning disability that makes reading and spelling difficult.

My name is Amanda. I was born in Kennewick, Washington where I have lived all of my life. I'm an only child who in my younger years was lonely, but now I enjoy the quiet time. In 4th grade I had my first of two leg operations. Afterwards I was able to walk without falling quite as often. In middle school since I was not very mobile I did the next best thing; I managed the school's dance and soccer teams which was a lot of fun because I got to play with the school's stereo system. When I started high school, a friend got me into the art club which I have been in ever since. I've been publicity manager and vice president. This year I got two Pride Inside awards and was accepted into the National Honor Society.

Hi. My name is Daniel. I am 16 and a junior at Shorewood High School. This year electronics was a fun and interesting class. I am looking forward to taking CAD design next year. Outside of school, I run cross-country, downhill ski, play ultimate frisbee, play golf, backpack (as a Boy Scout) and build things. I hope to become a mechanical engineer in the future. I have a reading disability and am diabetic. I hope through DO-IT I can learn to use new technology that can reduce the time I spend on homework.

Hello to all!!! My name is Julie. I am 17 and a senior at Cascade High in Everett. I like choir, math and art. I am a member of the National Honor Society. I have three brothers and a sister; I am the oldest. My disability is spina bifida. I enjoy hanging out with friends, listening to music, playing on the computer, and reading. I went to my first concert to see Sugar Ray and Matchbox 20. I was in the front row and Mark McGrath, the lead singer of Sugar Ray, came down and kissed me twice. They also sent me a little package for my birthday about a month later. Sugar Ray rocks!!! I haven't decided what I want to do after I graduate but I know DO-IT will steer me in the right direction.

My name is Meg; I was born in India. In my spare time I enjoy helping others. I'm currently volunteering at a nursing home. Some of the residents are hard of hearing and others can't see very well, so they need assistance while playing Bingo. I've noticed, as people grow older their personalities are more vibrant. When I go to college I either want to major in psychology or languages. Next year I plan on completing a senior project on criminal psychology.

My name is Maryann. I am 18 years old. I live in Lynnwood, Washington. I go to school at Edmonds Woodway High School and am going into the 11th grade. I have Cerebral Palsy. Two major accomplishments for this year are getting inducted into the National Honor Society at my school and going downhill skiing for the first time. After high school I would like to go to college to study law. I will go to a 2-year college and then to a 4-year.

I am Alex. I attend Woodinville High School. I am involved in a church youth group and Boy Scouts. At church group we play games, watch movies, or go into the community for activities. This year I earned the Personal Fitness Merit Badge for Boy Scouts, a hard merit badge requiring that I do exercises for 12 weeks and show that I improved during those 12 weeks. When I graduate I am thinking of attending Cascadia Community College. DO-IT will help me see what living on a college campus is like for a person with Cerebral Palsy. I hope to determine whether I want to live on campus or continue living at home while going to school.

Hi. My name is Makenna. I attend Bellingham High School in Bellingham, Washington. I am 17 years old and will be a senior in the fall. My favorite class is Spanish, but I also enjoy geometry, history, and English. Outside of school I like to hang out with my friends, listen to music, read, and annoy my tutors (just kidding). I also love to travel. I just went to Disneyland for my 17th birthday. I really want to go to Hawaii someday. Eventually I would like to do something in the music industry. To accomplish this goal I plan on attending Whatcom Community College and then a 4-year university. I have Cerebral Palsy and a learning disability, but thanks to the patience of my parents, teachers, and tutors I have been able to overcome both of them. During this last semester I earned all As except for one A-.

Hi! My name is Katie. I am going into the 11th grade at Eastside Catholic High School. I have two parents, a little sister, great friends, 5 cats, and tons of support. I have ADD and Dyslexia so it often takes me a little longer to do things and I usually ask a lot of questions. My favorite subjects include English, studying the Renaissance, science, and art (ceramics!). I'm really excited to take physics senior year and anxious to start ASL this summer. This school year I joined the National Honor Society, and participated in my school's Earth Corp club and stage crew for the school play. I'm a Girl Scout and a leader for our local Girls Club. I also collect stamps and hang out with friends. I have a deep love for art, music, writing, nature, kids, reading, faith, and sleep. I hope to attend a four-year Catholic college. I really want to work with young kids, especially those with mental/developmental disabilities. Someday I would also like to go paragliding!

My name is Ashley. I go to Nova High School in Davie, Florida and will be entering the 12th grade in the fall. The classes I really enjoy are history, drama and science. In drama I help with the school shows and musicals. After being in the Drama Club the last three years, I was inducted as a Thespian, and I hope this year I will get a Thespian cord for graduation. My hobbies consist of reading, surfing the web, talking on the phone, shopping, listening to music, and dancing. I am interested in technical theater and American history. Recently I was diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome. I hope DO-IT can help with my reasoning and nonverbal learning disorder, as well as study skills. My goal is to earn 250 service hours by next year so I can graduate with a silver cord. I work hard on all my school work and I never give up.

I am Vishal. I attend Summit K-12 in Seattle. Classes that interest me are American government, U.S. History, and science. Things I like to do outside of school are play video games, watch TV and movies, and hang out with friends. I also love to attend Mariners, Sonics, Husky men's, Seahawks, and Storm games. In my school leadership class I planned a staff versus student basketball game, a dance, and a middle and high school talent show. My career goals are to do something with computers as a DJ or in sports. I would like to become a manager of a baseball team or to coach my hometown Seattle Sonics. The colleges that interest me are UW, North Seattle Community College, Seattle University, and Gonzaga. I have Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. This means my muscles are weak.

Hi. My name is Garrett and I go by Bud. I am going to be a senior at Monroe High School next year. I like math and science classes and participate in DECA and Chess Club. This year I qualified to go to the DECA International Career Development Conference in Nashville, Tennessee. I like to go sailing and watch the Mariners on the weekends. I would like to study business in college. I have been visually impaired since I was in 4th grade.

My name is Russell. I have Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy and use a wheelchair. I will be a senior at Puyallup High School this fall. My favorite subjects are art and Spanish. I earned a 4.0 grade point average for second semester. My family consists of my mom, dad, two brothers and one sister. I enjoy watching baseball, drawing, swimming and playing video games. After I graduate I plan to attend a university in Western Washington. I hope DO-IT will help me learn how to get the accommodations I need to help me reach my goals.

My name is Michael. I am a senior at Henry M. Jackson High School in Mill Creek, Washington. My favorite classes are science, math, computer tech, and band. At school, I'm involved in Pep Band and Honor Society. This year I participated at the Washington State Solo/Ensemble Contest as a member of our percussion ensemble. I played the timpani and our ensemble earned a rating of excellent! Outside of school I am a computer/console nerd, I love video games. I also like to go fishing, to Mariners games, swimming, to water parks, and camping. I really enjoy being with my family and I love playing golf. My career goal is to be an engineer and involved in the use of nuclear fusion as an energy source. I would like to go to the University of Washington and get a Ph.D. in engineering. I have Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), which means I have trouble sitting still and focusing on the current task at hand. I also have small motor and large motor disabilities, so I have difficult time writing. I hope that DO-IT can help me be more independent and find creative ways to type out homework such as math and physics problems. I am also looking forward to becoming friends with the other DO-IT Scholars.

My name is Blanca. I am 16 years old and go to Connell High School. I will be a junior this coming fall. I live with my parents, two brothers, and a sister. I am thinking of being a psychologist, but I am not sure at the moment. I "love" to read, watch TV, and play on the computer. I was in an accident where I suffered a spinal cord injury. I've used a wheelchair for three years.

Hi. My name is Jessica. I will be a junior at Bainbridge High School. In my spare time I volunteer at Children's hospital and regional medical center and I have been doing that for the past four years. I enjoy being with my family, playing with my animals and baby-sitting. I hope to have a career in education, possibly as a kindergarten teacher.