Phase I Scholars

Phase I Scholars attended their first DO-IT summer study at the University of Washington in August of 1997. They learned about college life and participated in science, engineering, mathematics, and Internet activities. Throughout the year they communicate with each other and the DO-IT participants. They use the Internet to support their academic studies, and they complete projects in the areas of science, engineering, mathematics, and technology.

My name is Andrew, and I have a mobility impairment. I have a weakness and lack of control on my left side, and especially my left hand. I am 16, presently live in Pennsylvania. I enjoy programming and music, and plan to do research in physics.

My name is Amanda and I am a paraplegic. I live in Montana and I will be a junior in 97-98 school year. I enjoy algebra, English, biology, and journalism. I like to read, write, and go on the Internet. I also like animals.

My name is Jenny. My disability is blindness. This year I will be a senior at a high school in North Dakota. My favorite things to do in school are to sing and visit with friends. My favorite things to do for fun are to read, talk on the phone and hang out with friends. My goal is to get a degree in counseling.

My name is Minh. I'm a junior this September at a Seattle high school. My disability is that I'm short. Even though I'm 17 years old, my height is just like a 7 year old kid. My hobbies are traveling, watchng movies, playing the Internet, and reading. My major interest is medicine.

Hi, my name is Trent. I am going to be a senior at Roosevelt High School in Washington. I enjoy watching and playing sports. I also enjoy video games a lot. I wrestle at Roosevelt despite having seizures.

My name is Brad. I will be a senior in high school this fall. I plan on going to college to be an engineer. I am in a wheelchair because I broke my neck almost 4 years ago. I still do a lot of things for myself though. I even drive! One of my hobbies is chess.

My name is Ben and I am a quadriplegic. I live in Washington and am going to be a senior. My hobbies are watching sports, working out, and listening to reggae and classic rock music. I hope to pursue architecture in college.

Hello, I'm from Florida. I'm blind but it doesn't stop me from taking on new challenges. I will be a senior this fall and will consider attending the University of Washington when I graduate. I love to sing country music using the guitar or keyboards. I hope to find a career that involves both music and computers. Recently, I took on the challenge of presenting DO-IT out in the world. I attended the 1998 Intel Conference in Fort Worth, Texas and presented DO-IT to an international audience.

My name is Michael and I hail from Colorado. I have Spina Bifida and Upper Motor Neuron Dysfunction (a fancy way of saying CP not from birth). When I'm not found on my computer (either playing or doing homework), I'm doing one of a few things: eating, sleeping, playing with my Black Labrador Retriever Rosie, studying Spanish, watching TV, or listening to music.