Distance Learning

How can students with disabilities arrange for accommodations in an online course?

Common accommodations students with disabilities request in online courses include the remediation of inaccessible PDFs and other documents into accessible formats, captioned videos, and extra time on assignments and tests. Accommodations should be requested in the same way they are requested for onsite courses. To receive accommodations from a postsecondary institution, students should contact the campus disability services office for information about documentation requirements and procedures.

Equal Access: Universal Design of Cyberlearning Projects

A checklist for making Cyberlearning projects welcoming, accessible, and usable

The Cyberlearning and Future Learning Technologies (Cyberlearning) program of the National Science Foundation (NSF) supports projects that integrate the capabilities of emerging technologies with advances in what is known about how people learn. These projects advance innovation, the understanding of how people learn in technology-rich environments, and broad use and transferability of new genres.
