DEI Training Program Resources & Recommendations
In winter quarter 2021, a team of volunteers was tasked by the Student Life strategy map activation team with developing a list of recommended training programs that could be hosted by the Vice President for Student Life’s Office or a department on specific topics, such as white supremacy; dismantling racism; and ally-ship. The group researched and brought together the below list of resources that can be used by individuals or departments to increase training on a variety of topics.
Special thanks to the group members who volunteered for this work and put in the time and effort to bring these resources together:
- Tessa Achevarra, B.A.
- Sharon Green, M.A.
- Kowan Russell, M.A.
- Andrea Salazar-Nuñez, Ph.D.
- Yuxin Sun, Ph.D.
Student Life Equity & Inclusion Statement
The Division of Student Life acknowledges the Coast Salish people of this land, the land which touches the shared waters of all tribes and bands within the Suquamish, Tulalip, and Muckleshoot Nations. Student Life is committed to developing and maintaining an inclusive climate that honors the diverse array of students, faculty, and staff. We strive to provide pathways for success and to purposefully confront and dismantle existing physical, social, and psychological barriers for minoritized students and communities. We engage in this work while learning and demonstrating cultural humility.
Training Resources
The following recommendations include both resources on UW campuses as well as resources in the community and other universities. Some of these resources are free to the public, and some come with a fee. Additionally, some of the resources have a specific date and time; if the date/time of the training does not work for you, we encourage you to contact the training provider for possibilities of scheduling a training for your department. Some of these training resources may not be a perfect fit for you and your department; hence, we encourage you to adapt the training to better fit your needs, by either contacting the training provider or sharing more context and practice for applications in your specific situation. We also include the link to UW POD consultants. We encourage you to check out the consultants for their specialties in DEI training and if possible, work with them on developing a training program that can meet your specific needs.
UW Resources
Race, Power, and Social Impact within Nonprofit Organizations
Host: UWT professional development center
Learning objectives: Nonprofit organizations often unconsciously perpetuate structural and institutional racism, which undercuts their purpose and impact and contributes to organizational dysfunction. This workshop provides an overview of the history and present state of those dynamics and provides for discussion of tools and practices that can advance the cause of DEI in and through the work of nonprofit organizations.
This course is designed for individuals with professional interests in social impact, racial equity and/or nonprofit leadership. Individuals should have at least a cursory understanding of nonprofit organizations, structural and institutional racism and white privilege. They should also be able to engage in direct conversations about race and equity without fear or defensiveness.
Detailed description: Professional development course
Time commitment: Full day
Cost: $332
Extra notes/contact information: Contact for future sessions
Advanced Strategies for Racial Equity within Nonprofits
Host: UWT professional development center
Learning objectives: This course provides advanced strategies for undoing institutional racism in the nonprofit sector while building a community of practitioners dedicated to this goal. It builds on the foundational overview of institutional and structural racism in the nonprofit sector presented in “Race, Power, and Social Impact Within Nonprofit Organizations ” our introduction workshop.
While this workshop is designed for individuals who have taken “Race, Power, and Social Impact Within Nonprofit Organizations,” it is open to leaders in the nonprofit, education, and government sectors who have a solid understanding of institutional and structural racism, white privilege, nonprofit organizations, and DEI concepts in general. Participants should be at a point where they welcome conversations about race and equity and are already contributing to the normalization of those conversations within their professional networks.
Detailed description: Professional development course
Cost: $332
Mini Workshop on Race, Power and Social Impact
Host: UWT professional development center
Learning objectives: Nonprofit organizations often unconsciously perpetuate structural and institutional racism, which undercuts their purpose and impact and contributes to organizational dysfunction. This workshop provides an overview of the history and present state of those dynamics and provides for discussion of tools and practices that can advance the cause of DEI in-and through the work of-nonprofit organizations.
Will connect members of the community via Zoom to discuss the connections between racialized power structures of the United States and the formation and evolution of the nonprofit sector.
Detailed description: Professional development course: This workshop is a short introduction to the full day programming Race, Power and Social Impact within Nonprofit Organizations and the Advanced Strategies for Racial Equity within Nonprofits.
Time commitment/ number of sessions: 90 min workshop via Zoom
Cost: $50
Implicit bias training for hiring managers
Detailed description: Definitions and tips for avoiding implicit bias during hiring processes. (No formal training yet)
Cost: Free
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Courses
Detailed description: Landing page with links to all UW POD and HR DEI-related courses. Further information about upcoming POD courses are broken down in more detail below in the UW POD section.
Cost: Varies
Host: University Consulting Alliance
Detailed description: This program brings trained facilitators to meetings to facilitate and consult group meetings.
They are able to tailor their meetings, so hopefully, they can teach others how to facilitate.
Cost: Details on fees and billing
Extra notes/contact information: Consultation Services Coordinator: 206-616-8461,
Host: University Consulting Alliance
Detailed description: This program brings trained consultants to meetings to facilitate team building and conflict resolution exercises.
They are able to tailor their meetings, so hopefully, they can teach others how to exercise team building and conflict resolution skills.
Cost: Details on fees and billing
Extra notes/contact information: Consultation Services Coordinator: 206-616-8461,
Defensiveness, Equity, and Inclusion
Detailed description: This course is designed to support our efforts in becoming a more equitable and inclusive organization by helping us understand, identify and interrupt defensive routines that might hinder our progress.
Time commitment: 60-90 mins
Cost: Free
UW POD Courses
The UW Professional & Organizational Development (POD) website lists all of the current POD course offerings. You can specifically review the trainings listed under the “Diversity & Inclusion” section, or visit the links below for more information about each specific course.
Conversations About Race in the Workplace
Learning objectives: Become more comfortable talking about race in professional setting
Detailed description: Multiple facilitated discussions about race in the workplace. This course is to help people who want to talk about social justice issues and racism but don’t know where to start or feel uncomfortable jumping in. Topics to discuss: unconscious bias; empathy and embracing differences; inequities in society and the University; transforming the workplace and becoming an antiracist organization.
Time commitment/ number of sessions: Four 2-hour sessions (eight hours total) + one hour “pre-work” before each session
Cost: $180
Creating an Inclusive Workplace Through Emotional Intelligence
Learning objectives : Self-work, emotional intelligence, interpersonal communication
Detailed description: Examine how unconscious biases affect behavior and values and leverage emotional intelligence competencies to manage their biases.
Time commitment/ number of sessions: Two 2-hour sessions (four hours total)
Cost: $160
Learning objectives: Participants gain a deeper vocabulary of diversity terminology as they explore the complexities of identity and privilege. With this knowledge, they can assess their workplace setting using the tenets of campus ecology theory and come up with practical tools to take action and promote appropriate organizational change.
Detailed description: This course uses case study analysis and other interactive learning methods to reflect on the personal values and behaviors that best enable us to effectively engage with students, educators, and staff at the UW.
Time commitment/ number of sessions: Two 3-hour sessions (six hours total)
Cost: $180
Learning objectives: Identifying implicit biases, examine impacts of distorted history, broaden understanding of implicit bias to engage in more effective dialogue about race “…concrete action steps to eliminate systemic oppression through policy, practices, and procedures in all areas of their lives.”
Detailed description: Content focuses on broadening one’s understanding of implicit associations in order to effectively engage in authentic and meaningful dialogue about race. Participants also develop deeper insight in identifying implicit biases, examine the impacts of distorted historical context on people of color, and leave with concrete action steps to eliminate systemic oppression through policy, practices, and procedures in all areas of their lives.
Time commitment/ number of sessions: Two 3-hour sessions
Cost: $200
Host: UW Professional & Organizational Development
Detailed description: Here is a list of some of the consultants that UW works with. We can look through their profiles, see their areas of expertise, and reach out to appropriate individuals.
Non-UW Resources
UCLA Implicit Bias Video Series
Learning objectives: Basic definitions, introductory learning
Detailed description:
- Preface: Biases and Heuristics (5:14)
- Lesson 1: Schemas (3:12)
- Lesson 2: Attitudes and Stereotypes (4:13)
- Lesson 3: Real World Consequences (3:45)
- Lesson 4: Explicit v. Implicit Bias (2:49)
- Lesson 5: The IAT (5:14)
- Lesson 6: Countermeasures (5:23)
Time commitment/ number of sessions: ~30 minutes between all videos
Cost: Free
Extra notes/contact information: UW Office of Faculty Advancement has used, but needed to add context and information since videos are not specific to higher education.
Cultural Humility: A Framework to Mitigate Personal Bias
Learning objectives: Join us online to understand the root cause of your biases and develop a practice that helps mitigate bias in your interactions with others. In this training, you will learn how to develop cultural humility as a framework and daily practice that helps you:
- Suspend judgement and be curious about other people’s perspectives and
backgrounds - Ask questions to aid you in reflection about your own beliefs and behaviors Interpret your interactions with others
Detailed description: Professional development course
Cost: $450
Race Work for the Next Round: Building Antiracist Colleges & Universities – On- Demand Training
Host: The Washington Consulting Group
Learning objectives: Breaking down barriers to success, while creating a more liberated and inclusive environment, has never been more important than it is right now. In order for institutions to perform and produce at their highest potential, diversity, equity and inclusion work must be done with intentionality and understanding. The current state of race and systemic racism in higher education requires your attention if your institution is going to move forward with a commitment to become more antiracist.
Detailed description: Get actionable takeaways so you can:
- Share clear definitions of foundation terms for engaging race and racism — take your department and institution to the next level of greatness, through a lens of diversity, equity, inclusion and social justice.
- Identify and engage conversation regarding “old technologies” for doing race work — upgrade your mindset and that of your staff so you can be more effective at creating systemic transformation and change.
- Understand the role and dynamics of microaggressions, implicit bias, white fragility and resistance to addressing antiracism — move everyone in your department in the same direction so you can remain committed to doing the work to become more antiracist.
- Engage staff, faculty and administrators — provide them with tools for becoming active agents of change from whatever seat they occupy.
Time commitment/ number of sessions:
- 90-minute online session with carefully selected experts
- Link to view webinar on demand for one year (24/7 access)
- Materials for your team (handouts, discussion questions, etc.)
- Certificate of completion for each participant
- Remote team training
- Weekly newsletter – What’s Working on Campus
Cost: $399