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CoMotion Labs expands to Spokane

CoMotion, the UW’s collaborative innovation hub, announced yesterday that it will expand CoMotion Labs to Spokane. Read more about the expansion and what it means for eastern Washington and the innovation community from CoMotion.


President Ana Mari Cauce visits Olympia

Yesterday, President Ana Mari Cauce visited Olympia to advocate for the University’s 2017 legislative priorities. Her day included a presentation to the Senate Higher Education and Ways and Means committees, meetings with lawmakers in both chambers and she sat down with student legislative representatives from ASUW, ASUW Bothell, ASUW Tacoma and the Graduate and Professional Student Senate. Read more about President Cauce’s visit and see photos from State Relations.

COP reception
President Cauce at COP Reception with UW staff and Paul Francis, executive director of the COP


UW’s CoMotion labs brings virtual reality to Olympia

The UW’s CoMotions Labs helped bring virtual reality to lawmakers in Olympia. Legislators on the House Technology & Economic Development Committee received general information on the industry and technology and got the opportunity to try headsets during a hearing last week. Elizabeth Scallon, associate director of the UW’s CoMotion Labs, was among those who provided testimony to the committee. Read more and see photos from Geek Wire.


New from UW 360: Livable City Year partnership

When you think of a typical learning environment for UW students, you probably think of a lecture hall or a research lab. But how about an entire city? That’s where some UW students will be learning this year, thanks to an innovative partnership with Auburn. It’s part of a new program called “Livable City Year.” Learn more from this UW 360 story.