The University of Washington was ranked 14th best university in the world by U.S. News and World Report. Rankings are based on 10 indicators that measure academic research performance and global and regional reputation. See the full list here.
News and Updates
New UW|360 features Dubs!
UW 360 premiered its 5th season last week! The magazine show, hosted by Carolyn Douglas, features stories about the University of Washington and our connection to the community. In the new episode, follow beloved UW mascot Dubs as he meets and greets students and visitors on campus. Did you know he participated in the 2014 Commencement Ceremony? Also in this episode, learn about the history of the UW’s universal bus pass program, U-PASS, meet renowned choreographer Robert Moses and see his work with UW dance students, and see how the UW Center for Commercialization, C4C, has become a leading start-up incubator. Learn more and watch online from UWTV | Channel 27.
Boundless celebration on W Day!
The University of Washington celebrated W Day today in honor of the UW’s 153rd birthday. We also challenged ourselves to raise $200,000 and we exceeded that goal – the More Purple giving challenge raised $205,807!
Read more about the Boundless Celebration!
SustainableUW Fest
Join in the SustainableUW Festival this week on campus! The festival celebrates environmental stewardship and sustainability efforts at the University of Washington, highlighting contributions and leadership efforts across campus as well as providing opportunities for students, faculty and staff to get involved.
You can find more information from Environmental Stewardship & Sustainability.
In the News: University of Washington leading innovation
The University of Washington is embarking on an “Innovation Agenda” and building on our long-standing work to drive the Puget Sound region and Washington state forward. Read President Michael K. Young’s guest opinion column in The Seattle Times.