To build a strong foundation for the work of the Task Force, the Values and Principles Work Group started by developing a values and principles framework:
- Community values:
- Academic and intellectual freedom
- Academic, research, and professional integrity
- Equity and inclusion
- Ethical behavior, fairness, and respect
- Individual and community well-being
- Accountability to each other and then community as a whole
- Learning and continuous improvement
- Principles for dispute resolution processes:
- Clear, equitable, fair, transparent, ethical, timely
- Principles for dispute outcomes:
- Efficacy, accountability, proportionality, education, alignment, and consistency.
The work group recognized that the success of the implementation of the new system will require that all those involved – faculty and administration – aspire to support and promote a culture consistent with these values and principles to achieve the projected benefits.
The approach for developing the framework and draft models included reviewing and incorporating:
- Best practices adopted by peer institutions;
- Principles and position papers published by the American Association of University Professors;
- Evidence-based research on organizational justice and dispute resolution;
- Extensive opportunities to gather feedback and input from University stakeholders; and
- Requirements of state and federal laws and regulations.
Please contact the Secretary of the Faculty, Mike Townsend, with inquiries or input for the Task Force.