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Campus Planning and Stewardship

Faculty councils serve as deliberative and advisory bodies for all matters of University policy, and are primary forums for faculty-administrative interaction in determining that policy. Faculty Code, Sec 42-33.

FCCPS shall be responsible for all matters of policy relating to campus planning and specifically for reviewing and advising the administration on all matters relating to the physical environment of the campuses and other properties as they contribute to and affect the mission, goals, and quality of life at the University, including those relating to capital project prioritization, planning, and development; inclusive project processes and design considerations; adequacy and continuous improvement of campus learning environments; maintenance and improvements of campus landscapes; and attention to transportation, mobility, and accessibility.. Faculty Code, Sec 42-39.

Chair: Gundula Proksch* (co-chair), architecture (2025^); Jan Whittington* (co-chair), urban design and planning (2025)

Faculty Code Section 21-61 A*:

Faculty Code Section 21-61 B*:

Faculty Code Section 21-61 C (President’s designee):

Request access to FCCPS google drive: email moderator

* eligible to vote

^end of their second term

All dates in parenthesis refer to the end of a members term and correspond to the first day of Fall quarter in the given year.