Round Table on Understanding AI Concerns
On January 24th from 3-5pm, the Faculty Senate hosted a Round Table on Understanding AI Concerns via Zoom.
Panelists included UW faculty experts on AI and/in society, a student representative, and AI Task Force representatives, who shared their insights on impacts and challenges as the UW makes decisions on AI integration. Audience members had the opportunity to ask questions in real time, and also submit anonymous questions/comments using Slido, before or during the event.
Panelists: Emily M. Bender, Linguistics; Zaid Harchaoui, Statistics, CAS; Jillian Fisher, Computer Science, PhD student; Ankur Teredesai, Computer Science, UW Tacoma; Afra Mashhadi, CSS, STEM, UW Bothell; Anind Dey, Dean, Information School; Magda Balazinska, Director, Allen School; Andrew Connolly, AVP for Data Science; Charles Costarella, Engineering & Technology, FCITC Chair, UW Tacoma; Bin Guo, Associate Vice President of Infrastructure and CTO, UW-IT.