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Restricted, Classified, or Proprietary Research Proposals

The Faculty Council on Research (FCR) reviews proposals for research grants or contracts in accordance with Executive Order 8.

Principal Investigators (PIs) can access the form here. The form includes questions about the nature of the research, its restrictions and classifications, and individuals involved. Information provided on this form becomes publicly available.

Research with restrictions is often subject to Export Control regulations. To ensure that this is reviewed, please copy UW Export Controls Office ( when submitting this form to the Faculty Council on Research Chair and council analyst (

Supporting Graduate Students, Postdocs, and Other Trainees

FCR Resources for Supporting Students and Trainees



Husky Health & Well-being 

Mental Health, including urgent support by phone or chat 

LiveWell Center for Student Advocacy, Training, and Education 

UW Counseling Center 

UW-wide resources

Bias Incident Reporting Tool 

Confidential Advocacy, including UWPD Victim Advocacy 

Disability Resources for Students/Disability Services Office 

Disabilities, Opportunities, Internetworking, and Technology 

Human Resources 

Office of the Ombud 

Q Center 

Title IX 

University Complaint Investigation and Resolution Office (UCIRO) 

Programs tailored to graduate students and postdocs

Mentee guides from the Graduate School 

EPIC Program 

Office of Graduate Student Equity & Excellence Program (GSEE) 

Graduate School Associate Dean of Student & Postdoctoral Affairs 

OMAD Student Services 


School of Medicine Allies Program 

Inclusive mentoring resources

Graduate School mentorship guides for faculty 

Tips for holistic mentoring (Edwards, Bai, & Mahony, 2021) 

Undergraduate Research Program resources (e.g., for grad- and postdoc-trainees who mentor undergrads) 

Resources for faculty

Resilience Lab Well-Being for Life and Learning Guidebook 

Student Care Team (faculty and staff portal for submitting a Care Report) 

Office of Faculty Advancement 

School of Medicine New Faculty Transition Program 

Diversity-Related Resources