The Senate Committee on Planning and Budgeting advises the administration and informs the Faculty Senate on long-range planning, preparation of budgets, and distribution of funds, with a particular focus on faculty concerns. The committee consults with the Senate Executive Committee and the Faculty Senate on matters of policy. (Faculty Code 22-91)
Twelve faculty members:
- Cynthia Dougherty, committee chair
- Louisa Mackenzie, faculty senate chair
- Aarti Bhat, faculty senate vice chair
- Jacob Vigdor, faculty legislative representative
- Amanda Kost, deputy faculty legislative representative
- Gautham Reddy, secretary of the faculty
- Jan Whittington, faculty at large
- Ben Meiches, faculty at large
- Sharon Kioko, faculty at large
- Jonathan Karpoff, faculty at large
- Casey Mann, faculty at large
- Bruce Hevly, faculty at large
- George Sandison, faculty at large
- Kima Cargill, faculty at large
- Nora Kenworthy, faculty at large
The provost, the vice provost for planning and budgeting, and a representative of the board of deans and chancellors:
- Tricia Serio, provost and executive vice president
- Sarah Hall, associate vice provost, planning and budgeting
- Anind Dey, board of deans and chancellors representative
One student member nominated jointly by the ASUW and GPSS:
- Vacant
The presidents of the ASUW and GPSS (ex officio without vote):
- ASUW president
- GPSS president
- ASUWB president
- ASUWT president