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University Committee on General Education

The University is committed to ensuring that its General Education program consistently and coherently provides students with intellectually challenging and vibrant learning experiences.

Proposing a course? See the General Education Course Guidelines.


Student Governance and Policies, Chapter 114, Section 3 charges and authorizes the University Committee on General Education (UCGE) to review and approve proposals for new courses and course revisions involving General Education (GE) designations, guide evaluations and assessments of the University GE program, maintain working documents inclusive of expanded definitions and criteria associated with each requirement, and make recommendations to the Senate Executive Committee for potential revisions to GE policies and procedures.

The UCGE is governed is governed through its bylaws and works closely with the University Committee on Curriculum Administration.


The membership of the UCGE consists of a chair, an associate chair, and a series of “Boards,” one dedicated to each of the six University GE requirements. Each board is composed of 7 voting members (2 from Bothell, 3 from Seattle, 2 from Tacoma) and 3 non-voting members (1 academic services professional per campus):

  • Area of Inquiry: Arts & Humanities (A&H) Requirement Board
  • Area of Inquiry: Natural Sciences (NSc) Requirement Board
  • Area of Inquiry: Social Sciences (SSc) Requirement Board
  • Reasoning (RSN) Requirement Board
  • Diversity (DIV) Requirement Board
  • Writing (W) Requirement Board

The faculty serving on each Board regularly teach courses that meet its associated requirement. The academic services professionals serving on each board regularly advise students or are otherwise affiliated with student-facing programs with deep connections to the associated requirement.

Chair (voting): Ann Huppert (College of Built Environments)

Associate Chair (non-voting): Dan Feetham (Executive Director of Advising Curriculum and Policy)


The primary purpose of the A&H, NSc, SSc, and RSN Boards is to review proposals for new courses and course changes that have implications for GE requirements. In cases where a Board finds a proposal does not sufficiently meet the guidelines, a member will contact the course’s proposer.

The primary purpose of the DIV and W Boards is to carry work from prior years forward into ongoing policy agenda development and advancement. Reports on the progress of each Board are published at the end of the academic year. Unlike the A&H, NSc, SSc, and RSN Boards, the DIV and W Boards do not review course proposals because, as per the Scholastic Regulations, determinations on alignment with the UW’s GE program are made at lower levels.


The UCGE builds upon work undertaken by the Senate and its Faculty Councils over the past several years, as documented by the following:


If you have questions or concerns for the UCGE, please contact:

Dan Feetham, Executive Director of Advising Curriculum and Policy
Undergraduate Academic Affairs Advising